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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 31121 - flour milling and malt manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 124,145,523 131,599,230 133,626,849 165,809,529 146,060,378
Arkansas 91,883,709 111,729,979 105,518,077 125,225,002 134,675,519
Illinois 29,993,430 33,242,083 34,954,415 40,575,588 42,655,515
Missouri 8,028,346 13,268,353 11,011,662 19,951,903 31,124,328
Iowa 20,340,359 17,274,390 17,927,615 22,828,474 25,441,374
Minnesota 17,571,568 15,107,746 16,201,929 26,395,880 24,276,812
North Dakota 15,172,289 9,847,121 17,121,130 22,539,959 22,312,247
Indiana 10,998,271 11,240,042 11,186,935 15,070,443 16,574,650
Ohio 14,169,358 8,755,482 11,688,685 16,144,511 15,367,687
Texas 12,797,457 16,810,730 14,953,480 12,608,192 15,361,998
South Dakota 49,342 494,824 4,225,676 20,964,494 13,910,951
Michigan 14,168,017 17,050,952 18,076,656 15,544,024 13,867,005
New York 22,614,008 17,360,047 18,626,978 16,911,875 13,827,936
New Jersey 7,993,547 8,417,659 8,179,429 11,598,964 13,373,079
Wisconsin 4,545,074 6,228,054 9,126,921 9,418,794 13,185,190
Oregon 21,211,962 25,462,444 18,955,978 15,043,012 11,306,156
Washington 7,823,165 7,817,207 4,930,380 4,630,895 9,727,087
Mississippi 27,472,749 30,109,881 26,161,566 24,156,078 9,644,616
Louisiana 5,948,817 4,242,462 3,623,975 10,829,868 8,138,205
Idaho 865,811 2,247,660 3,412,969 6,160,664 7,285,584
Kansas 4,976,136 3,343,779 3,220,049 4,251,207 6,829,109
Florida 9,226,810 13,175,371 12,153,880 5,513,496 6,700,734
Montana 5,271,296 9,260,852 7,671,717 6,589,126 6,197,519
Colorado 7,984,557 3,967,499 3,473,830 4,484,540 6,119,525
Arizona 5,244,709 4,063,657 4,007,627 4,704,485 5,011,967
Oklahoma 71,309 54 5,565 134,179 4,342,906
Pennsylvania 1,449,988 2,739,278 1,483,383 2,359,268 2,969,060
Nebraska 4,263,451 3,412,515 2,685,897 3,151,982 2,547,396
Massachusetts 2,153,292 3,642,311 4,956,953 2,025,903 2,390,065
Tennessee 18,441,656 1,094,375 753,789 2,981,204 2,291,572
Georgia 1,413,453 484,259 483,617 541,773 1,641,617
Kentucky 1,750,904 862,014 425,144 1,455,087 1,512,934
North Carolina 548,882 3,388,629 816,332 749,601 1,382,113
Utah 1,063,631 1,076,676 1,028,737 1,585,825 1,030,530
South Carolina 577,080 614,126 480,775 693,587 988,595
Delaware 195,579 253,356 239,776 216,078 395,053
Maryland 562,192 347,410 864,367 557,049 171,303
Nevada 84,607 8,109 10,057 7,068 109,232
Wyoming 1 6,833 76,903 21,019 99,941
Vermont 76,770 412,277 362,283 113,750 95,002
Virginia 385,511 226,675 304,839 400,127 85,968
Connecticut 72,962 174,547 104,909 73,375 41,159
Maine 67,738 70,346 71,526 26,656 21,076
Other unspecified U.S. State 7,331 5,561 2,541 3,558 11,844
New Mexico 6,454 5,785 13,861 22,649 10,893
Alabama 3,829 4,460 4,820 73,176 8,038
New Hampshire 19,875 14,959 9,754 5,987 4,908
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- 4,465
Rhode Island 33 1,458 2,442 5,325 4,173
Puerto Rico 339,306 11,033 -- 4,107 4,105
Hawaii -- 30 27 166 272
District of Columbia 20,260 59,282 116,000 69 42
West Virginia 5 -- 20,918 13 --
Alaska 25,153 9,686 -- -- --
Sub-total 524,097,562 541,043,548 535,363,623 645,159,584 641,139,433
Others 371,894,388 435,431,386 313,473,650 459,311,267 538,080,236
Total All Countries 895,991,950 976,474,934 848,837,273 1,104,470,851 1,179,219,669

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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