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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian total exports
Naics 31331 - textile and fabric finishing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
North Carolina 9,416 41,131 43,474 205,516 548,708
Michigan 165,681 178,996 191,743 261,170 466,488
Texas 13,029 19,589 10,547 4,343 181,011
Pennsylvania 62,596 120,360 176,065 217,330 177,820
New York 149,804 210,208 176,639 158,352 160,525
Florida 4,088 8,058 62,054 121,256 144,606
Idaho 3,116 1,682 780 9,431 118,569
Massachusetts 97,527 22,935 19,478 114,496 112,783
California 16,967 18,591 64,942 201,979 107,468
New Jersey 18,842 19,482 33,593 59,128 82,491
Iowa 75,598 55,065 97,581 152,922 70,077
North Dakota 4,907 -- -- 3,815 64,027
Illinois 20,348 9,404 25,013 41,109 51,271
Ohio 57,030 47,108 141,577 40,473 48,952
Connecticut -- -- 18,119 62,589 47,450
Utah 2,686 11,963 9,714 63,895 46,996
Maryland 26,699 26,334 38,591 26,105 44,121
Missouri 9,718 -- 8,522 5,678 41,090
Arizona 18,003 32,304 15,811 30,363 38,555
Indiana 7,389 -- 8,886 1,203 35,437
Maine 38,537 11,796 9,245 1,155 29,925
New Mexico -- -- -- -- 29,404
Oklahoma -- -- -- -- 23,819
Washington 5,335 25,697 28,827 9,551 18,237
Tennessee -- 1,242 1,226 3,061 14,884
Wisconsin 48,017 25,979 21,739 8,486 11,156
Minnesota 28,987 782 7,143 6,473 10,943
Kansas -- 11,372 14,771 14,380 10,588
Oregon 11,492 19,784 25,956 38,984 10,373
Nevada -- 111,441 107,593 37,338 10,181
Colorado 7,698 -- 4,504 11,175 6,927
Nebraska 1,444 -- 8,445 8,233 6,807
South Dakota 1,226 -- 2,308 2,313 5,739
Virginia -- 1,159 16,693 109,432 3,981
Kentucky 12,839 -- -- 2,735 3,422
Montana 7,281 4,218 2,611 6,148 2,953
Louisiana -- -- -- 2,128 2,564
New Hampshire -- -- 404 440 2,105
Wyoming 468 -- 342 630 1,233
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- 618
Alaska -- -- 27,634 29,952 --
Georgia -- 482 24,242 11,922 --
Vermont -- 2,398 -- 9,163 --
South Carolina -- -- -- 1,927 --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- 697 --
Alabama -- -- 11,714 -- --
Rhode Island -- -- 4,294 -- --
Mississippi -- -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Delaware -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Arkansas -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 926,768 1,039,560 1,462,820 2,097,476 2,794,304
Others 1,401,670 1,000,308 426,064 574,920 2,227,896
Total All Countries 2,328,438 2,039,868 1,888,884 2,672,396 5,022,200

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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