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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian imports
Naics 32518 - other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Texas 139,128,673 129,645,455 127,125,663 193,897,153 201,807,806
Louisiana 125,384,915 112,533,423 94,537,382 133,622,235 180,560,079
Tennessee 107,764,685 103,630,912 122,497,190 120,447,713 145,948,975
New Jersey 54,269,031 41,843,811 57,891,370 75,572,958 89,181,741
Illinois 177,829,717 334,936,786 141,028,071 72,450,197 82,643,323
New York 80,989,825 76,616,483 68,498,063 65,465,232 80,030,142
Ohio 43,617,724 40,391,227 46,171,389 80,929,098 74,620,890
Michigan 45,897,131 124,311,280 55,754,819 60,741,509 71,464,406
California 47,797,572 60,697,769 63,991,522 71,803,548 69,825,402
Georgia 42,807,574 37,648,934 39,612,150 55,156,326 61,570,030
Indiana 37,960,208 41,001,935 40,692,525 44,984,426 54,247,676
New Mexico 21,234,911 20,175,170 24,059,988 58,653,752 50,936,408
Missouri 31,931,148 32,395,919 46,853,731 62,191,863 50,047,159
Pennsylvania 44,006,335 37,446,381 41,746,443 45,100,250 49,866,440
Kansas 21,207,044 21,355,375 38,972,098 54,298,450 48,821,374
North Carolina 30,062,039 28,388,244 37,666,696 56,219,670 48,334,778
Wyoming 41,380,462 39,349,606 35,895,353 29,997,661 40,232,456
Nevada 29,213,675 27,340,584 18,288,139 27,698,975 36,724,716
Utah 37,295,956 25,244,456 27,500,384 37,642,973 35,981,641
Kentucky 29,905,274 25,577,250 22,833,206 28,718,746 34,437,358
Mississippi 5,689,567 4,981,137 24,225,490 33,105,471 31,383,020
Washington 34,819,669 27,736,470 26,947,006 33,441,614 27,945,355
Connecticut 18,719,627 21,206,720 23,503,784 23,818,707 27,240,710
Massachusetts 36,781,495 29,260,395 27,558,590 29,173,828 25,682,495
Montana 20,537,639 21,457,518 25,482,151 27,649,531 24,350,762
Alabama 18,839,771 13,733,996 14,739,054 34,751,544 23,537,866
Maryland 16,824,966 15,548,854 15,362,217 17,012,173 18,773,488
Idaho 9,921,953 9,035,509 11,749,943 23,777,288 18,662,859
Delaware 10,080,949 8,077,007 17,373,439 24,336,533 18,333,003
Wisconsin 22,057,846 20,246,820 14,163,485 16,814,890 18,112,882
South Carolina 9,230,834 4,501,639 3,535,658 8,150,907 11,864,583
Rhode Island 13,146,050 12,534,469 13,155,426 12,512,725 10,880,369
Florida 11,390,232 6,460,401 7,194,832 9,006,113 9,845,179
Colorado 12,189,795 8,256,949 6,909,462 7,591,166 8,661,607
Oklahoma 11,983,266 55,878,410 13,980,084 15,483,106 8,647,963
West Virginia 5,160,584 4,995,451 4,506,195 5,460,709 6,011,837
Arkansas 2,930,230 1,086,685 2,162,873 2,144,418 5,964,527
Minnesota 4,548,340 4,242,703 4,337,042 6,328,327 5,147,852
Maine 3,765,012 3,570,639 3,382,328 5,704,746 5,062,974
Arizona 5,149,117 4,473,135 4,635,317 5,336,243 4,507,632
North Dakota 1,329,828 621,464 105,932 55,225 4,414,358
Vermont 40,171 972,217 3,780,945 4,130,661 3,882,578
Iowa 5,025,446 4,467,510 5,895,293 7,000,500 3,517,415
Nebraska 274,352 1,473,021 1,056,680 2,020,093 3,258,934
Virginia 900,056 724,121 1,818,425 3,470,477 2,143,320
Oregon 1,993,686 1,677,623 1,380,669 1,460,749 1,665,385
New Hampshire 455,833 644,258 307,028 468,890 368,122
Other unspecified U.S. State 29,509 45,539 40,727 44,075 87,354
South Dakota 197,608 110,364 433,094 583,003 54,169
Hawaii -- 12 7,108 7,894 9,795
Alaska 64 25,382 2,400 27,321 5,105
Puerto Rico 301,567 129,466 5,093 55,782 33
District of Columbia 144 415 227 -- 1
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 114 -- --
Sub-total 1,473,999,105 1,648,707,299 1,431,354,293 1,736,517,444 1,837,306,332
Others 1,829,305,422 2,142,989,741 2,265,976,905 3,098,584,070 2,146,502,271
Total All Countries 3,303,304,527 3,791,697,040 3,697,331,198 4,835,101,514 3,983,808,603

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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