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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 335 - electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Michigan 468,709,177 523,898,919 579,092,132 615,953,407 1,067,769,155
Wisconsin 609,583,900 534,551,812 633,925,572 885,407,851 917,022,860
Illinois 730,908,829 656,864,397 716,810,823 858,924,342 906,291,457
Pennsylvania 820,556,695 691,144,246 660,246,225 738,301,961 832,806,525
Ohio 632,727,625 656,414,940 593,057,597 718,345,320 753,469,584
Texas 596,965,646 474,016,773 487,899,765 607,071,988 752,807,029
California 558,093,238 458,153,946 551,298,026 655,581,119 747,069,435
Tennessee 453,766,244 518,793,999 585,983,823 534,175,208 631,371,526
North Carolina 548,023,132 499,746,795 513,415,710 577,922,053 608,977,276
South Carolina 300,691,700 243,501,950 278,126,531 331,694,254 442,471,474
New York 351,109,846 319,126,364 296,605,782 343,850,632 408,441,342
Indiana 293,573,034 315,403,317 349,745,973 375,097,055 326,150,062
Missouri 199,113,489 194,125,265 218,370,097 306,436,427 324,627,716
Georgia 266,455,635 200,721,181 253,163,179 293,827,946 289,534,260
Oklahoma 164,329,763 175,572,907 226,095,986 308,565,944 283,360,267
Minnesota 289,272,742 183,368,479 195,147,896 269,648,616 263,085,809
Kentucky 153,752,163 142,346,158 147,640,997 195,477,124 249,870,004
Washington 192,663,046 175,515,963 141,009,294 189,598,794 238,926,127
Connecticut 123,482,338 133,315,983 151,796,050 182,912,078 226,731,746
Florida 139,802,144 119,128,883 123,242,199 165,216,919 202,237,095
New Jersey 130,713,124 121,103,240 119,822,904 140,293,071 165,331,122
Virginia 111,060,580 97,131,303 86,888,523 118,705,320 155,696,264
Massachusetts 121,015,833 103,892,680 107,130,698 140,115,348 135,835,962
Arkansas 74,254,032 94,603,879 86,252,394 113,934,935 115,169,556
Arizona 99,191,450 91,204,293 82,279,995 92,762,493 113,447,444
Kansas 97,701,911 88,767,365 109,691,579 123,364,666 106,809,902
Oregon 108,652,024 104,070,071 67,733,778 73,287,299 95,507,712
Iowa 59,064,390 55,495,976 89,498,758 104,757,935 77,164,299
Colorado 46,587,078 44,349,731 41,971,176 46,875,218 60,611,244
Utah 43,429,192 28,514,645 31,990,798 47,244,073 58,790,733
Mississippi 65,225,523 40,458,759 38,873,004 46,331,854 58,032,681
New Hampshire 49,400,495 41,601,745 45,609,679 52,464,390 53,170,860
Delaware 49,283,816 46,201,410 43,384,533 54,151,752 51,764,200
Nevada 31,041,763 53,016,748 60,261,071 39,832,770 49,262,878
Alabama 31,843,583 36,993,868 44,111,689 47,845,271 45,128,674
Nebraska 23,189,601 21,580,935 19,418,854 31,629,928 38,858,281
Maryland 22,927,440 28,017,705 25,498,675 32,750,561 38,546,486
Idaho 16,587,352 16,608,704 18,002,611 34,370,395 38,234,304
Puerto Rico 28,920,816 23,552,035 21,907,592 25,202,674 32,061,765
Louisiana 11,474,665 15,409,163 16,735,200 15,777,232 27,015,267
West Virginia 14,953,576 10,255,235 14,946,787 20,086,624 23,538,768
South Dakota 21,265,992 20,844,285 11,413,462 18,322,921 22,175,638
Wyoming 3,767,255 2,541,418 6,972,552 6,951,151 17,100,026
Rhode Island 16,744,560 12,265,674 20,156,125 19,587,303 15,553,132
New Mexico 4,437,755 3,881,643 3,330,791 4,928,923 15,112,179
Other unspecified U.S. State 9,764,520 8,977,234 10,637,141 12,451,700 14,530,662
Vermont 14,837,833 10,742,890 10,038,060 10,504,606 12,651,798
North Dakota 10,122,123 10,381,578 13,385,367 10,644,849 11,694,404
Montana 6,133,483 6,671,505 5,682,342 8,122,144 6,697,377
Maine 4,053,211 4,711,775 4,425,353 10,729,219 6,421,112
Alaska 767,970 2,109,075 2,982,744 1,159,097 1,482,816
Hawaii 579,839 122,430 243,743 955,067 406,058
District of Columbia 85,185 200,610 51,491 71,670 102,901
U.S. Virgin Islands 19,985 13,489 19,669 31,847 23,985
Sub-total 9,222,678,341 8,462,005,373 8,964,022,795 10,660,253,344 12,136,951,239
Others 16,085,742,052 15,223,622,660 17,763,264,253 21,087,232,680 20,771,572,051
Total All Countries 25,308,420,393 23,685,628,033 26,727,287,048 31,747,486,024 32,908,523,290

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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