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Report date: 2024-09-23


Canadian imports
Naics 32562 - toilet preparation manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ohio 479,286,302 560,161,960 490,550,064 570,518,999 622,072,956
New York 226,838,067 202,399,267 207,927,608 288,501,744 339,237,956
California 335,201,854 307,120,806 287,137,595 324,573,998 312,792,477
New Jersey 237,389,153 172,035,956 195,268,314 226,180,567 259,332,221
Pennsylvania 195,949,983 143,112,006 195,622,734 192,495,892 208,450,487
Illinois 91,662,540 78,963,197 71,539,498 96,305,188 124,396,673
Florida 69,290,282 68,081,782 75,201,999 71,002,031 89,493,059
Texas 57,547,882 57,159,361 65,885,837 72,940,502 85,644,298
Arkansas 41,634,641 41,746,613 46,326,911 74,785,860 74,372,104
North Carolina 59,483,713 48,703,850 47,328,038 60,142,132 59,526,661
Utah 28,214,416 35,740,454 37,810,877 30,877,800 51,997,196
Kentucky 27,880,280 29,879,646 27,411,745 38,758,753 43,127,638
Indiana 23,984,788 16,631,237 19,202,199 26,781,235 39,311,932
Maryland 17,084,161 17,380,779 18,953,086 28,084,430 38,136,985
Missouri 37,474,286 46,008,298 35,615,586 36,184,640 37,029,878
Virginia 16,934,072 14,333,926 15,399,987 26,378,883 33,043,917
South Carolina 19,926,856 19,190,029 15,961,012 24,092,838 29,274,561
Tennessee 31,169,138 33,915,271 41,174,269 40,213,815 28,305,441
Nebraska 5,076,094 6,307,131 11,291,604 22,101,525 28,083,670
Minnesota 43,574,872 28,553,704 26,442,472 29,192,219 27,750,004
Other unspecified U.S. State 12,642,976 14,556,756 13,911,489 16,800,201 26,478,654
Georgia 19,356,014 17,004,783 17,017,609 17,972,326 24,907,294
Washington 10,708,253 13,025,391 10,165,586 9,068,901 20,238,426
Michigan 11,351,058 12,542,134 17,053,345 19,633,652 19,245,512
Puerto Rico 17,214,215 17,626,388 13,968,583 16,408,492 18,085,129
Massachusetts 12,266,329 11,991,983 13,002,257 16,085,408 17,302,946
Idaho 12,931,081 13,631,849 10,370,999 14,903,962 15,279,369
Connecticut 12,320,932 11,794,363 8,796,198 11,890,767 13,555,807
Iowa 4,760,241 8,886,462 4,657,568 12,208,804 13,270,065
Nevada 6,434,958 5,176,608 8,409,297 7,483,438 12,915,599
Arizona 7,693,354 7,032,982 9,998,472 8,571,895 9,929,688
Delaware 349,309 533,584 784,381 6,469,839 7,293,600
Wisconsin 6,138,228 7,580,828 6,969,605 8,089,108 7,133,636
Mississippi 839,115 527,207 1,006,267 2,134,047 6,605,267
Colorado 6,160,381 5,220,641 3,076,250 4,721,099 5,885,988
Oregon 5,547,774 4,836,602 4,437,782 3,204,497 3,609,579
Kansas 5,099,060 3,812,955 4,658,290 3,804,601 3,399,526
Maine 1,831,153 885,235 1,649,719 2,183,181 2,723,548
West Virginia 30,291 8,545 65,701 2,228,344 2,571,798
Vermont 3,020,610 4,048,666 3,856,150 2,465,024 2,143,624
South Dakota 356,900 142,901 277,328 1,027,518 1,616,186
New Hampshire 752,528 758,239 638,421 692,985 828,979
New Mexico 415,041 586,891 454,480 405,871 729,633
Louisiana 161,191 68,783 77,217 168,048 721,780
Oklahoma 439,014 1,275,101 602,062 692,562 683,059
Alabama 2,304,090 1,416,271 751,992 549,649 476,359
Rhode Island 207,397 300,915 244,362 632,669 401,130
Montana 188,460 172,155 183,478 234,899 194,979
Wyoming 57,796 23,457 134,522 48,711 106,002
District of Columbia 57,135 484 4,351 789 56,909
Hawaii 31,069 81,577 71,768 34,411 50,331
North Dakota 27,217 71,576 383,907 38,387 16,599
Alaska 136,168 -- 375 3,519 8,257
U.S. Virgin Islands 224 -- -- -- 371
Sub-total 2,207,432,942 2,093,047,585 2,089,731,246 2,470,970,655 2,769,845,743
Others 1,522,723,770 1,284,571,056 1,437,747,963 1,777,736,322 2,070,973,004
Total All Countries 3,730,156,712 3,377,618,641 3,527,479,209 4,248,706,977 4,840,818,747

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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