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Report date: 2024-09-24


Canadian total exports
Naics 33243 - metal can, box and other metal container (light gauge) manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 7,748,714 35,022,100 32,730,055 34,198,259 38,185,889
Ohio 9,869,595 15,749,527 17,692,400 10,711,790 11,557,230
Michigan 10,936,222 11,674,466 13,744,441 13,043,846 9,387,081
Pennsylvania 1,810,516 10,224,466 9,774,323 4,704,380 7,185,324
Texas 1,993,893 2,300,949 4,014,210 9,066,614 5,802,920
Illinois 5,879,473 3,294,572 6,639,378 5,900,398 5,186,639
Washington 7,284,997 6,544,513 5,034,084 7,302,582 3,882,238
Mississippi 1,250,440 1,756,276 2,051,033 3,406,132 3,499,889
Wisconsin 2,512,580 2,122,208 2,979,030 4,445,132 3,418,697
Indiana 20,317,997 2,940,165 3,167,141 4,646,844 3,322,889
New Jersey 2,924,592 3,015,997 2,142,209 3,623,328 3,173,020
Maryland 2,626,177 1,910,757 1,020,174 788,466 3,157,762
Virginia 1,354,398 1,545,051 2,037,422 3,491,826 3,084,291
Vermont 1,267,126 939,105 914,885 1,106,665 2,952,414
Tennessee 2,741,245 2,478,712 2,027,127 1,961,327 2,690,102
North Carolina 980,704 724,700 1,678,945 4,929,645 2,565,218
Arizona 171,023 233,184 209,686 1,506,755 2,337,442
Utah 42,191 971,544 712,870 667,996 2,156,494
Massachusetts 780,912 1,641,495 2,763,062 1,364,215 2,106,943
Florida 780,866 1,081,491 1,529,399 3,055,112 2,078,451
Kentucky 1,326,447 1,172,984 1,346,188 2,212,252 2,041,605
West Virginia 1,450,112 1,126,113 1,167,115 1,494,428 2,017,811
Georgia 656,767 613,816 965,675 1,446,313 1,904,524
Iowa 167,324 406,644 711,317 2,800,107 1,659,606
California 2,005,718 2,102,375 2,335,098 3,771,318 1,501,643
Missouri 155,106 521,111 929,859 1,623,850 1,271,392
Oregon 91,744 1,108,361 852,967 867,702 1,184,991
Minnesota 1,623,861 1,026,752 844,209 1,015,041 1,115,473
Colorado 1,403,224 1,485,100 2,084,847 1,369,110 659,011
Nevada 48,927 99,250 127,679 101,430 633,550
Delaware 140,635 113,415 151,219 550,093 567,221
Louisiana 106,478 322,374 125,779 173,767 499,087
New Hampshire 421,312 471,460 636,998 580,866 451,415
Connecticut 599,509 255,523 400,852 1,814,066 332,452
South Carolina 2,700,851 684,077 258,235 312,689 324,832
Oklahoma 105,016 261,537 74,405 130,413 313,699
Maine 240,941 143,492 83,312 151,206 232,539
Alabama 38,544 168,158 239,701 293,278 203,995
Kansas 103,412 102,981 109,658 962,184 202,634
North Dakota 41,226 66,334 72,700 77,745 174,066
Puerto Rico -- -- -- 122,255 127,231
South Dakota 27,345 31,728 13,015 80,567 120,027
Rhode Island 37,070 50,183 139,853 40,024 78,497
Idaho 350,328 594,429 122,810 103,372 69,105
Wyoming 27,823 25,516 8,084 99,003 66,133
Alaska 131,557 157,258 596,811 633,948 65,606
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- 56,160
New Mexico 140,561 114,951 43,738 49,487 48,283
Nebraska 42,120 37,881 29,455 41,270 43,648
Montana 93,486 120,992 167,669 280,686 30,150
Arkansas 21,777 33,497 244,716 233,448 29,113
Hawaii -- -- 4,305 13,023 14,549
Other unspecified U.S. State -- 2,957 2,642 2,720 --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 97,572,882 119,592,527 127,752,785 143,368,973 135,770,981
Others 42,685,019 28,768,323 20,560,961 27,063,169 33,988,697
Total All Countries 140,257,901 148,360,850 148,313,746 170,432,142 169,759,678

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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