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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 1129 - other animal production
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 13,632,878 15,660,182 18,293,235 23,554,543 21,517,086
Kentucky 13,926,980 11,555,456 13,023,619 17,239,098 19,070,666
New York 13,575,065 15,187,376 20,529,037 20,329,881 16,600,967
Florida 7,574,794 8,891,739 10,462,065 11,167,268 14,712,948
Pennsylvania 14,647,684 7,434,173 17,314,182 14,543,563 11,554,867
Maine 5,929,224 5,437,344 6,347,361 6,908,800 10,494,308
Michigan 3,168,168 4,928,790 5,409,295 7,247,049 9,646,139
North Carolina 1,311,250 3,178,419 5,065,800 6,589,313 6,440,723
Indiana 2,318,255 2,265,209 2,892,657 3,245,397 3,864,281
Hawaii 3,124,366 3,123,509 3,037,465 3,297,294 3,795,062
Massachusetts 2,808,540 2,672,274 3,504,072 2,752,929 3,550,843
Arizona 375,291 1,073,868 2,171,657 1,596,566 2,701,105
Oklahoma 881,253 950,715 2,236,028 2,434,488 2,646,807
Wisconsin 82,673,212 3,850,723 2,374,473 3,599,109 2,606,307
Ohio 3,407,977 2,962,398 4,419,358 2,861,034 2,587,388
New Jersey 1,915,676 1,504,231 2,375,150 2,321,213 2,493,866
Texas 1,532,119 3,226,713 4,064,023 8,296,766 2,126,089
Washington 936,677 2,330,536 2,686,727 1,076,333 1,817,783
South Carolina 613,984 1,038,771 678,242 703,263 1,340,182
Oregon 358,941 1,385,701 2,183,031 930,519 1,240,676
Connecticut 1,239,470 1,464,218 1,691,373 1,671,695 1,177,803
Missouri 2,126,231 686,283 636,603 520,266 1,083,896
Maryland 541,157 7,878,136 1,785,964 1,736,821 1,037,106
Montana 7,856,909 5,570,012 6,169,240 2,062,836 939,437
Illinois 374,468 630,330 1,075,450 580,862 903,023
Idaho 225,316 296,551 609,261 754,656 753,945
Colorado 196,480 278,594 618,318 378,799 649,988
Utah 27,886 227,447 617,830 254,400 526,838
Tennessee 252,229 298,639 255,581 168,128 304,489
Minnesota 847,659 792,828 485,097 657,645 257,773
North Dakota 307,796 209,736 349,010 231,084 243,995
Louisiana 114,402 162,600 102,749 366,247 230,725
Virginia 536,928 480,110 687,913 228,014 220,538
Iowa 216,012 573,626 1,040,419 511,412 207,303
Nebraska 76,078 51,033 223,206 201,073 186,302
South Dakota 114,558 142,755 606,247 192,914 184,357
Wyoming 45,815 249,473 380,244 238,293 161,518
Vermont 66,675 44,462 112,379 132,382 116,838
Alabama 100,908 21,749 404,576 210,459 111,169
Georgia 200,319 208,363 259,382 387,640 103,545
Kansas 132,948 55,445 282,659 129,272 83,002
Nevada 290,627 90,429 247,521 128,412 72,264
West Virginia 36,806 39,892 55,926 93,058 52,705
Mississippi 27,589 15,038 52,978 41,349 43,893
New Mexico 37,170 12,723 88,644 101,391 25,538
Arkansas 46,949 31,077 418,602 159,252 24,687
Other unspecified U.S. State 15,656 17,898 14,032 7,871 14,560
Delaware 77,349 53,370 93,356 90,128 11,565
Rhode Island 30,004 -- 21,807 77,600 5,890
Alaska 44,395 429 8,201 120 3,196
New Hampshire 17,494 40,322 45,546 68,939 2,495
Puerto Rico -- -- 400 250 400
District of Columbia -- 6,652 9,315 -- 3
U.S. Virgin Islands 68 -- -- -- --
Sub-total 190,936,685 119,288,347 148,517,306 153,077,694 150,548,879
Others 252,736,728 93,488,396 103,908,007 125,022,504 195,088,689
Total All Countries 443,673,413 212,776,743 252,425,313 278,100,198 345,637,568

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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