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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Naics 33152 - non-ferrous metal foundries
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Pennsylvania 3,106,348 2,764,058 6,992,701 10,673,627 13,408,476
Mississippi 3,236,380 4,368,314 3,638,303 4,724,181 3,809,506
Ohio 783,087 959,865 950,613 1,153,927 2,939,339
Texas 1,464,350 997,516 1,762,899 5,241,319 2,258,643
North Carolina 1,309,701 675,120 958,624 1,332,714 1,197,188
Tennessee 1,966,852 829,165 1,660,289 1,159,546 1,196,817
Virginia 153,446 314,147 835,679 423,821 1,140,346
California 777,243 644,513 861,733 1,047,413 1,099,274
Wisconsin 1,301,745 1,231,020 264,969 248,470 1,026,048
Washington 694,136 705,648 991,037 1,176,695 904,539
Michigan 373,036 1,551,456 439,251 1,107,915 900,626
Massachusetts 466,064 396,133 456,894 697,179 670,457
Georgia 175,469 204,771 336,153 335,054 595,175
Indiana 260,300 249,041 251,924 339,194 550,609
Florida 268,858 219,116 421,081 441,335 431,334
West Virginia 546,697 612,994 631,835 668,503 413,141
Nebraska 3,779 -- 148,715 558,280 399,750
Arizona 67,571 144,499 61,940 48,581 349,323
Oregon 389,507 353,761 343,003 410,467 323,413
Illinois 358,598 165,470 265,980 192,113 322,158
New York 668,647 443,983 394,899 274,237 299,391
Oklahoma 350,504 87,744 438,897 464,365 237,637
Arkansas 316,621 308,510 282,016 185,849 233,522
Nevada 71,588 4,697 54,189 36,160 216,805
Colorado 21,196 5,812 20,593 29,792 193,253
South Carolina 162,930 39,818 172,490 274,822 192,937
Louisiana 50,686 20,885 -- 8,550 147,724
Rhode Island 2,527 -- 21,202 173,445 128,249
Missouri 57,774 38,343 35,722 171,902 109,392
Iowa 243,094 70,826 141,956 338,236 103,027
New Jersey 165,820 72,185 103,616 54,898 90,016
Delaware 2,055 24,767 35,383 57,038 68,310
Connecticut 101,540 23,787 108,287 172,364 67,655
Utah 21,840 27,777 73,936 22,294 65,700
Minnesota 30,443 2,771 16,308 90,308 55,683
Kentucky 12,230 16,497 -- 27,541 41,420
Maine 38,569 4,103 3,604 14,712 25,887
Alabama 27,715 68,763 31,189 82,758 16,604
Kansas 5,449 2,968 23,264 -- 14,298
New Hampshire 23,312 26,042 32,889 27,502 11,843
Alaska 37,546 2,613 9,537 15,865 11,123
Idaho 33,001 4,309 -- 2,779 8,425
Other unspecified U.S. State 2,915 2,596 -- -- 5,105
Vermont -- 4,487 -- 3,495 3,316
North Dakota 10,502 -- 14,276 6,882 3,140
Wyoming 46,641 -- 8,471 5,083 2,757
Maryland 9,785 13,755 119,183 8,278 2,437
New Mexico -- -- 2,746 -- 2,305
South Dakota 2,111 2,901 2,182 3,350 --
Montana -- -- 4,194 -- --
Puerto Rico -- 2,998 2,454 -- --
Hawaii 2,196 6,884 -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 20,222,404 18,717,428 24,427,106 34,532,839 36,294,123
Others 7,562,185 8,575,403 7,278,890 8,589,500 7,900,561
Total All Countries 27,784,589 27,292,831 31,705,996 43,122,339 44,194,684

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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