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Report date: 2024-09-25


Canadian total exports
Naics 31135 - chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Pennsylvania 322,772,211 319,051,449 319,625,830 385,688,552 411,975,169
Vermont 281,465,129 327,871,725 299,977,488 355,592,621 349,420,722
Illinois 250,180,250 239,919,218 233,921,218 292,221,129 325,136,191
New York 213,159,185 196,066,357 205,537,868 263,747,160 250,731,254
New Jersey 154,743,508 150,199,970 133,368,958 141,987,683 211,449,347
California 89,327,893 90,426,734 114,084,229 139,817,531 175,400,226
Indiana 174,089,179 185,857,396 201,482,299 176,214,523 171,904,744
Texas 41,883,990 42,780,167 58,815,412 95,997,734 125,567,449
Georgia 87,583,428 87,812,938 61,123,634 88,858,938 103,458,309
Washington 41,014,840 47,750,889 48,163,611 53,846,478 61,752,450
Ohio 34,787,344 31,464,489 41,243,660 42,954,674 57,022,325
Florida 26,227,515 27,888,327 35,021,998 51,207,707 55,898,966
Maryland 23,081,866 38,368,056 63,092,644 50,939,983 49,456,418
Arizona 12,664,659 12,510,036 29,306,551 39,687,467 40,213,929
Michigan 23,927,346 25,650,443 27,112,054 43,390,093 37,645,276
Minnesota 12,714,044 9,614,024 26,749,715 46,797,136 33,066,990
Massachusetts 22,674,793 20,565,125 24,773,451 32,787,740 33,041,807
Utah 48,812,877 39,505,698 17,969,297 25,160,357 31,269,074
Kentucky 31,939,323 34,120,098 25,782,672 29,866,414 30,160,398
Tennessee 30,893,855 31,704,073 25,205,282 30,266,051 28,142,307
Virginia 7,004,507 13,856,520 17,005,465 17,474,370 23,714,105
Missouri 24,560,510 28,721,077 23,599,649 21,647,975 22,376,744
Kansas 14,186,426 17,921,729 15,511,060 19,271,657 21,147,378
Colorado 9,201,486 7,221,049 10,493,555 15,288,044 17,043,829
North Carolina 5,284,635 5,876,244 8,421,574 12,426,178 15,912,367
Wisconsin 12,044,699 12,958,114 9,052,943 12,559,942 15,558,539
Puerto Rico 8,802,800 11,972,561 13,438,887 11,829,488 15,286,421
South Carolina 8,017,657 5,307,136 9,593,352 9,921,202 11,803,691
Idaho 8,286,854 6,082,885 5,647,890 12,053,044 11,468,414
Connecticut 8,289,660 8,507,889 6,795,659 9,296,199 10,331,914
Arkansas 5,114,005 5,345,692 4,368,581 6,004,874 10,324,592
Mississippi 3,651,627 2,098,105 4,669,975 5,961,784 7,992,031
Iowa 10,227,930 7,853,743 5,760,584 8,932,133 7,925,719
New Mexico 465,443 394,974 209,564 28,395 6,169,090
Alabama 2,331,016 1,523,534 2,686,451 4,319,837 4,259,780
Oregon 4,606,464 8,787,012 6,571,919 7,479,294 3,951,802
Delaware 388,041 452,731 1,232,386 3,054,375 3,681,469
Louisiana 87,931 1,364,173 2,315,237 2,426,159 3,483,999
New Hampshire 1,385,696 818,828 1,812,215 2,098,587 3,385,210
Oklahoma 1,359,609 2,382,511 752,307 2,702,580 2,147,336
Nevada 5,219,233 5,217,130 15,929,158 7,352,656 1,419,962
Maine 397,624 365,799 426,296 458,598 668,196
Rhode Island 1,093,735 560,193 236,240 222,054 478,926
District of Columbia 4,309 148,463 -- 457,304 280,338
Montana 86,542 84,048 173,988 350,743 85,830
Alaska 45,840 -- 292,026 463,817 74,284
Nebraska 557,990 729,294 798,013 489,802 55,069
Wyoming 277,489 275,287 150,492 53,943 14,787
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- 3,286 -- 13,594
Hawaii -- 3,700 14,069 4,416 4,322
U.S. Virgin Islands -- 144,191 -- 555,607 --
South Dakota -- 125,753 164,922 40,566 --
North Dakota -- 11,339 7,755 -- --
West Virginia 38,361 9,804 -- -- --
Sub-total 2,066,961,354 2,116,248,720 2,160,493,369 2,582,255,594 2,803,773,089
Others 116,578,329 195,605,870 235,532,596 155,671,714 189,257,888
Total All Countries 2,183,539,683 2,311,854,590 2,396,025,965 2,737,927,308 2,993,030,977

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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