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Report date: 2024-09-25


Canadian total exports
Naics 33242 - metal tank (heavy gauge) manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
North Dakota 41,244,904 24,921,742 33,359,840 37,073,142 30,259,641
New York 29,402,209 20,437,391 20,280,842 23,638,571 25,141,465
Indiana 3,470,608 3,311,836 7,958,601 14,071,572 20,217,715
Texas 27,485,985 25,976,056 8,808,467 14,727,107 16,864,786
Massachusetts 8,414,113 10,474,753 11,660,626 12,825,564 13,832,805
California 6,295,430 4,676,867 4,418,722 7,403,705 13,066,460
Washington 8,651,563 11,416,010 9,728,241 9,129,189 12,494,507
Pennsylvania 9,594,177 9,353,050 9,165,863 11,403,222 12,207,576
Illinois 4,069,706 4,712,576 7,203,480 7,087,492 10,171,760
Michigan 4,847,663 10,354,515 7,315,067 9,390,515 9,511,509
Alaska 7,643,151 3,120,176 4,683,401 2,746,652 9,257,207
Montana 6,495,109 5,167,355 4,806,079 3,650,028 9,001,167
Minnesota 5,712,148 4,534,833 6,886,531 6,668,190 8,719,132
South Dakota 2,350,288 2,887,170 3,431,308 6,988,672 7,863,265
Ohio 6,830,404 2,159,852 2,798,982 6,659,184 7,841,915
Oklahoma 3,138,491 3,744,232 7,166,471 8,632,116 7,797,143
Connecticut 4,904,063 5,844,375 7,110,867 7,829,785 7,635,879
New Hampshire 2,783,757 6,560,336 6,611,501 6,731,791 7,420,646
Maryland 8,317,535 9,082,712 8,712,380 9,178,510 6,420,439
North Carolina 2,037,488 1,492,609 3,599,626 6,090,207 6,289,317
Iowa 884,763 800,126 2,383,596 4,674,309 5,261,852
Louisiana 1,602,470 700,750 3,816,455 4,787,878 4,860,433
Wisconsin 1,431,259 1,498,275 2,118,769 3,492,108 4,759,394
Utah 772,137 227,541 259,280 756,426 4,612,139
South Carolina 3,396,198 1,314,182 1,313,518 3,037,169 4,319,855
Nebraska 7,735 2,028,449 814,651 994,558 4,280,095
Vermont 2,999,218 4,601,187 5,077,575 4,218,519 3,741,856
Maine 2,623,153 4,796,853 4,660,044 4,149,962 3,668,848
Tennessee 2,295,920 3,080,650 1,045,589 1,883,748 2,873,833
Rhode Island 1,266,706 1,386,029 2,179,367 2,388,591 2,794,783
Arizona 297,665 845,684 2,972,051 2,702,769 2,689,047
Colorado 1,451,696 846,889 435,907 1,627,871 2,465,183
Missouri 1,980,976 2,389,034 1,430,700 4,158,082 2,464,055
Kansas 473,694 361,957 1,633,582 1,925,749 2,359,323
Oregon 1,379,985 5,398,463 2,213,200 4,122,132 2,174,996
Wyoming 10,624,948 321,104 826,855 1,712,067 2,162,534
Arkansas 309,580 179,049 109,441 158,004 2,076,364
Idaho 1,050,867 343,491 858,478 2,896,782 1,956,436
Florida 1,270,267 530,040 1,674,204 1,028,939 1,875,205
Kentucky 471,510 827,617 539,994 1,013,952 1,779,944
Alabama 718,722 856,509 929,798 1,179,400 1,742,132
West Virginia 344,132 42,446 523,613 6,711 1,720,391
Georgia 506,474 704,709 1,070,311 785,970 1,668,862
Virginia 1,243,328 1,366,694 2,004,669 1,724,902 1,667,197
New Jersey 1,819,467 1,368,170 2,113,303 6,442,079 1,638,898
Nevada 955,943 572,737 670,033 1,056,504 712,979
New Mexico 68,812 97,046 109,071 65,595 515,135
Hawaii 6,778 -- -- 77,623 514,520
Delaware 160,174 195,874 236,525 198,612 236,273
Puerto Rico -- 251,066 54,072 -- 162,482
Mississippi 95,939 146,671 717,188 187,161 123,850
District of Columbia -- 44,061 36,396 -- 6,239
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- 294 6,865 3,397
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 236,199,308 208,351,799 220,535,424 275,386,251 315,902,864
Others 34,455,321 38,070,803 32,311,245 39,660,747 36,337,377
Total All Countries 270,654,629 246,422,602 252,846,669 315,046,998 352,240,241

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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