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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian total exports
Naics 11113 - dry pea and bean farming
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
North Dakota 44,893,135 34,384,266 90,908,978 106,494,783 95,868,093
California 57,322,232 74,123,237 67,957,347 78,338,361 93,310,392
Montana 5,707,534 4,427,527 33,663,697 42,497,921 35,369,222
New Jersey 17,610,714 22,388,520 18,273,827 21,493,414 23,904,683
Iowa 13,929,136 10,338,376 10,948,323 63,623,201 23,884,052
Illinois 9,240,443 13,086,925 11,952,644 18,316,670 22,083,260
New York 13,883,402 17,064,762 17,561,594 22,729,497 20,193,357
Texas 7,731,110 12,386,595 9,464,091 12,602,883 18,733,018
Florida 1,617,235 3,916,203 5,569,432 5,513,250 18,565,098
Kentucky 957,843 155,067 4,972,431 17,851,244 16,651,570
Pennsylvania 9,467,729 11,054,255 9,262,338 16,439,034 15,838,025
Minnesota 4,183,834 4,366,675 6,651,809 10,842,148 15,215,832
South Dakota 2,864,508 3,251,586 9,015,352 6,422,088 14,156,812
Ohio 3,583,707 3,209,896 4,302,525 10,827,922 8,601,064
Colorado 2,886,612 8,054,761 3,859,214 3,591,745 7,309,047
Kansas 9,079,347 6,543,171 9,646,886 7,658,483 5,726,981
Michigan 1,920,454 4,032,494 4,046,129 7,358,010 5,396,515
Washington 1,788,610 1,939,163 3,178,399 4,559,017 5,257,289
Wisconsin 4,257,132 4,345,585 4,449,024 4,281,467 5,222,197
Massachusetts 1,864,955 2,594,198 2,456,520 2,850,168 4,987,970
Arkansas 2,029,618 1,464,297 2,662,264 3,506,014 4,952,345
Georgia 4,309,378 4,396,864 3,661,751 4,271,473 4,783,757
Missouri 1,693,751 1,561,282 8,635,549 5,952,334 4,548,121
Indiana 5,706,286 8,110,460 3,657,174 5,646,574 4,529,460
South Carolina 4,508,337 4,213,972 9,192,576 6,219,889 4,474,454
Mississippi 1,856,029 2,297,152 3,718,800 6,270,523 4,330,781
Nebraska 1,537,169 539,601 1,210,132 1,643,327 3,943,098
Arizona 3,368,746 2,418,028 1,641,270 2,237,397 3,681,109
Oregon 4,732,366 3,727,714 4,693,364 2,328,401 3,024,896
Maryland 1,650,169 2,527,870 1,951,508 2,596,829 2,617,850
North Carolina 4,906,733 2,909,023 4,915,925 4,544,367 2,285,419
Virginia 936,538 1,621,914 1,997,397 2,782,419 2,160,325
Tennessee 1,910,724 5,205,105 1,338,986 1,758,073 2,105,984
Connecticut 725,710 1,651,163 1,082,065 1,339,280 1,924,039
Oklahoma 882,506 316,477 806,137 2,505,544 839,943
Nevada 479,084 745,552 550,094 687,701 799,243
Utah 372,999 327,371 146,267 534,760 672,275
Puerto Rico 22,716 -- -- 466,930 409,704
Idaho 1,247,210 62,886 144,510 173,571 300,004
Maine 2,069,235 2,070,940 1,580,290 245,088 258,031
Vermont 274,973 32,678 31,771 127,839 241,909
Rhode Island 124,035 143,236 173,541 177,357 165,129
Alabama 20,133 46,497 -- 197,758 142,043
Louisiana 76,513 42,739 70,695 130,880 130,935
Hawaii -- -- -- -- 43,209
Delaware 16,593 52,271 79,253 38,264 38,175
New Hampshire 42,562 254,918 87,976 108,148 19,808
Alaska 25,388 10,573 7,052 -- 3,666
District of Columbia 21,255 -- -- 55,227 --
Wyoming 53,189 -- 21,056 -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 260,389,617 288,413,845 382,197,963 520,837,273 509,700,189
Others 2,813,651,882 3,998,069,051 3,324,123,153 3,815,697,141 4,137,111,364
Total All Countries 3,074,041,499 4,286,482,896 3,706,321,116 4,336,534,414 4,646,811,553

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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