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Report date: 2024-09-25


Canadian total exports
Naics 33636 - motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Michigan 546,928,068 454,698,823 558,383,462 677,043,566 732,675,114
Ohio 156,703,170 127,831,409 142,757,696 174,389,580 166,892,236
Kentucky 90,196,623 98,256,096 116,725,683 125,029,043 153,401,152
Texas 70,255,599 55,188,563 57,931,742 94,583,055 105,350,348
Indiana 70,904,386 60,294,613 63,768,400 59,163,341 89,673,313
Illinois 90,957,696 78,342,676 61,112,719 77,033,769 77,954,712
Alabama 46,344,436 38,746,071 40,927,402 50,269,981 49,845,063
California 20,323,043 17,674,551 18,871,400 34,368,412 39,347,680
Tennessee 37,458,850 23,896,235 21,172,681 30,475,383 36,511,602
Missouri 26,479,184 19,091,465 17,959,009 20,620,043 22,973,518
Iowa 26,374,953 20,407,542 20,890,845 15,271,873 15,537,583
South Carolina 10,319,203 9,403,561 9,940,867 13,399,932 14,791,836
Washington 4,501,785 12,772,885 3,390,005 6,276,140 13,399,884
New York 12,797,931 12,213,390 19,134,713 16,446,247 13,070,622
Pennsylvania 6,915,409 5,702,028 7,062,714 8,799,589 11,983,039
Minnesota 14,267,410 11,773,094 10,358,606 12,366,257 11,632,838
Georgia 6,461,570 6,384,988 8,344,761 9,334,689 9,968,103
Wisconsin 4,590,857 4,957,422 5,238,389 4,534,469 9,358,588
Mississippi 9,099,013 9,614,569 6,039,718 7,233,124 7,237,033
Virginia 5,248,498 2,677,418 5,075,824 8,033,333 6,912,665
North Carolina 4,212,264 2,813,824 4,096,234 5,682,351 5,320,388
Arizona 1,857,762 1,324,300 1,902,777 5,205,342 5,167,062
New Jersey 4,029,765 2,911,041 3,026,614 4,400,496 4,366,118
Florida 2,162,235 1,546,816 1,510,752 3,864,756 3,440,102
Oklahoma 2,141,461 2,034,184 2,604,366 2,729,146 2,949,764
Massachusetts 1,764,399 2,025,988 2,214,044 2,519,028 2,660,428
Oregon 2,146,784 2,109,798 2,023,345 1,980,568 2,218,202
Nevada 680,126 1,128,373 2,443,291 1,853,746 2,131,620
North Dakota 1,265,104 904,100 1,040,832 1,212,773 1,410,660
Kansas 1,741,847 2,783,450 1,363,789 760,310 1,027,370
Colorado 518,924 583,009 766,987 1,030,203 972,361
South Dakota 425,836 722,975 645,989 621,578 891,810
Nebraska 896,240 991,168 1,490,869 1,351,784 837,287
Maryland 736,638 826,142 682,873 819,416 834,418
Utah 321,980 293,049 447,374 470,002 610,512
Louisiana 206,350 161,658 392,729 359,309 485,591
West Virginia 1,843,585 2,049,781 1,663,479 1,588,242 413,009
Connecticut 361,961 342,819 282,670 400,224 411,741
Idaho 186,573 185,245 191,330 271,871 345,892
Maine 258,425 164,575 213,712 210,639 322,178
Arkansas 258,899 146,183 201,704 315,984 277,389
New Hampshire 291,214 252,164 287,313 258,773 243,236
Montana 85,454 75,657 131,897 205,089 173,134
Alaska 120,286 76,782 135,912 85,306 152,361
Wyoming 22,840 21,299 28,670 43,853 144,768
Hawaii 28,330 11,127 302,751 138,162 122,202
Delaware 25,688 94,774 201,498 193,255 93,836
Puerto Rico 98,547 18,643 54,772 48,655 76,715
Rhode Island 50,486 36,005 78,508 58,624 74,872
Vermont 723,834 197,756 127,841 123,875 70,927
New Mexico 62,515 74,401 98,013 317,157 64,396
Other unspecified U.S. State 29,405 28,475 23,231 13,771 37,530
District of Columbia 10,514 5,454 59,010 4,820 5,375
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,286,693,955 1,096,868,414 1,225,821,812 1,483,810,934 1,626,870,183
Others 93,675,246 80,848,013 91,523,503 95,932,551 84,347,211
Total All Countries 1,380,369,201 1,177,716,427 1,317,345,315 1,579,743,485 1,711,217,394

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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