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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian total exports
Naics 11112 - oilseed (except soybean) farming
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
North Dakota 216,153,789 223,242,544 243,269,668 346,586,515 250,353,863
Minnesota 121,426,271 143,777,978 123,951,899 112,382,312 131,183,142
Illinois 69,312,441 90,940,176 65,316,997 27,849,447 43,952,519
Wisconsin 15,475,377 20,566,022 19,196,828 24,185,347 34,038,232
Montana 7,094,316 7,980,067 15,617,506 25,079,764 32,089,886
New York 5,983,656 8,646,936 6,736,972 36,413,104 25,868,805
Missouri 7,609,462 6,028,164 13,951,407 32,941,177 21,154,456
California 13,308,367 13,776,385 14,620,065 23,283,023 17,235,884
Ohio 5,683,698 8,556,246 11,565,504 17,407,817 15,914,205
Washington 43,430,575 11,973,498 12,417,016 20,278,304 14,355,928
Michigan 297,433 1,120,838 1,104,257 5,849,269 10,522,846
Maryland 3,878,457 5,471,277 3,828,426 9,507,471 8,629,699
Indiana 3,041,591 4,479,104 7,225,705 7,273,801 7,521,922
Kansas 4,203,212 4,959,357 4,683,794 12,088,439 6,711,276
Oregon 7,416,351 10,937,582 9,153,283 5,914,809 6,480,665
Texas 2,205,130 1,997,310 3,654,241 7,115,214 6,279,262
New Jersey 2,094,851 3,147,796 4,251,956 7,388,095 6,051,759
Pennsylvania 6,209,212 5,919,132 5,185,413 8,440,756 4,733,880
Vermont 1,562,727 2,341,925 2,513,402 4,547,213 3,485,583
Florida 3,742,301 3,769,058 3,249,162 2,867,591 3,109,895
Mississippi 1,564,948 1,485,805 2,015,964 3,423,334 3,045,170
South Dakota 3,769,483 2,882,214 4,597,042 4,878,481 2,923,760
Iowa 6,343,880 5,450,124 4,424,394 2,935,648 2,916,048
Utah 282,040 778,213 1,403,261 3,300,056 2,413,265
Colorado 1,105,326 1,576,085 2,052,000 2,194,608 1,996,279
Tennessee 358,818 495,873 740,872 1,383,830 1,807,505
Oklahoma 583,863 876,921 639,850 1,399,526 1,768,883
New Hampshire 997,830 803,569 911,266 1,049,110 1,750,856
Kentucky 1,005,148 659,078 1,102,673 1,867,135 1,636,533
Louisiana 1,560,014 1,133,434 1,192,155 1,086,616 1,566,165
Idaho 721,499 738,225 1,682,390 3,983,795 1,453,284
North Carolina 1,143,138 699,908 937,124 1,400,358 1,452,790
Connecticut 555,889 599,873 538,609 1,383,400 1,183,167
Nebraska 355,367 636,456 926,219 1,455,436 1,047,513
Massachusetts 407,384 513,731 581,672 721,690 1,016,972
Arkansas 397,224 399,753 602,550 913,594 961,646
Maine 311,663 501,524 735,261 1,028,462 793,401
Georgia 614,939 751,724 396,319 1,247,678 623,914
Arizona 82,531 517,330 398,753 528,269 594,604
Virginia 102,896 392,223 587,347 609,483 394,566
South Carolina 1,474,904 1,403,058 3,205,120 1,346,410 369,113
Alabama 55,860 34,708 298,464 197,364 118,489
Rhode Island 20,694 37,117 23,836 420,539 66,625
Nevada 450,211 632,819 315,672 255,163 49,213
Puerto Rico 320,181 192,633 65,235 201,336 29,237
Delaware 8,181 37,312 8,852 15,810 14,098
Wyoming 13,208 106,408 -- -- 4,867
New Mexico -- 7,371 2,726 64,051 --
District of Columbia -- 15,198 -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 564,736,336 603,990,082 601,879,127 776,690,650 681,671,670
Others 4,204,546,445 6,281,136,418 6,363,080,452 5,500,559,590 5,954,065,780
Total All Countries 4,769,282,781 6,885,126,500 6,964,959,579 6,277,250,240 6,635,737,450

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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