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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 33142 - copper rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Indiana 194,984,230 177,222,630 272,714,002 271,306,648 276,123,013
New Jersey 188,259,768 175,468,735 362,677,656 325,646,049 260,633,480
New York 151,955,494 150,955,868 233,856,747 254,477,572 230,715,434
Ohio 101,785,260 101,898,007 140,513,680 158,567,796 144,057,090
Alabama 66,845,705 67,318,193 65,960,284 90,605,155 77,849,541
Texas 61,618,652 47,648,644 66,934,083 83,206,029 69,892,553
Illinois 49,916,785 41,788,452 74,831,033 86,980,571 66,873,107
Arkansas 23,945,136 28,645,195 36,938,840 56,103,031 51,723,659
Georgia 44,983,420 41,936,770 45,771,480 65,214,329 51,124,178
Pennsylvania 47,727,905 41,777,456 50,985,669 54,641,056 48,003,299
Kentucky 99,850,744 41,629,258 54,647,328 36,657,483 45,930,758
North Carolina 33,725,065 46,604,365 39,937,134 45,050,010 36,699,639
Tennessee 26,242,169 20,293,620 24,979,605 26,992,630 36,116,408
New Hampshire 23,157,641 26,887,527 35,482,727 34,133,998 34,157,520
Mississippi 16,884,285 14,756,063 13,416,768 28,884,573 32,673,901
West Virginia 19,405,486 19,961,592 20,020,528 29,351,388 31,086,384
Connecticut 50,058,722 42,751,199 49,419,511 44,395,819 28,886,092
South Carolina 34,124,587 23,209,638 21,980,744 42,346,376 27,603,992
Wisconsin 19,206,680 17,653,044 23,173,271 22,313,411 22,609,017
Massachusetts 16,382,687 15,246,590 22,288,144 25,101,418 22,543,225
California 19,840,409 14,633,916 18,363,551 23,352,399 21,749,128
Missouri 28,023,252 32,421,060 62,612,604 38,328,641 20,804,583
Oklahoma 13,331,739 9,959,776 13,677,565 17,420,987 18,224,948
Kansas 10,053,525 10,828,596 12,890,127 14,138,352 17,692,940
Arizona 11,402,219 8,108,465 11,877,189 12,078,653 10,666,200
Florida 2,876,742 2,148,994 6,399,210 10,180,024 9,250,557
Michigan 11,445,255 10,512,773 15,296,476 12,617,102 7,857,755
Washington 4,400,919 2,846,496 4,502,291 5,523,960 6,432,268
Rhode Island 4,660,442 4,526,528 6,735,621 4,441,934 5,398,668
Minnesota 4,294,408 3,671,793 5,473,179 5,707,934 5,322,536
Virginia 4,274,838 2,905,539 2,123,878 3,320,576 4,391,814
Utah 2,426,304 2,598,360 1,503,262 3,909,509 2,678,459
Iowa 3,573,539 2,351,054 2,616,064 1,963,987 2,613,132
Oregon 2,474,341 1,943,250 4,004,661 4,958,992 2,205,252
Nevada 2,069,496 1,558,959 1,502,550 1,768,352 2,013,042
Maryland 1,601,638 2,367,804 1,268,451 2,091,374 1,375,122
Colorado 776,713 752,089 587,171 1,381,088 1,002,052
Louisiana 353,006 128,644 973,314 522,309 565,223
Delaware 1,077,291 1,196,979 809,272 805,474 529,891
Vermont 603,230 323,514 663,863 534,051 511,098
Montana 48,994 45,478 328,793 702,125 460,521
Nebraska 201,844 376,855 210,300 353,503 422,241
Maine 351,848 310,308 225,435 421,302 290,483
New Mexico 145,549 88,432 350,378 614,315 287,301
Alaska 74,662 1,227 61,651 91,277 192,837
North Dakota 32,242 138,548 186,187 73,450 171,730
Puerto Rico 557,749 40,996 29,940 89,563 100,229
Idaho 86,644 54,155 129,800 93,350 61,480
Wyoming 41,194 41,493 11,035 76,860 51,706
Other unspecified U.S. State 80,455 45,240 70,685 62,510 28,710
South Dakota 55,797 29,628 62,726 19,450 11,064
Hawaii 52 -- -- -- 9,941
District of Columbia -- 1,407 6 -- 343
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- 6,195 --
Sub-total 1,402,296,757 1,260,611,202 1,832,076,469 1,949,624,940 1,738,675,544
Others 420,290,275 358,385,926 488,662,585 696,564,839 703,267,418
Total All Countries 1,822,587,032 1,618,997,128 2,320,739,054 2,646,189,779 2,441,942,962

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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