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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 32612 - plastic pipe, pipe fitting, and unlaminated profile shape manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ohio 108,162,390 111,991,394 123,254,962 151,765,680 141,460,743
Pennsylvania 64,966,409 77,075,483 84,163,908 121,104,500 116,009,790
Texas 65,442,055 43,115,863 59,220,647 79,946,052 83,066,049
Virginia 54,276,779 63,258,899 87,417,995 86,401,216 82,087,363
Indiana 96,210,446 57,030,448 60,726,351 71,161,461 75,192,327
Minnesota 48,304,731 55,134,113 62,773,155 63,611,395 74,715,553
North Carolina 59,541,563 52,040,992 56,257,420 72,364,200 62,871,076
Washington 47,795,865 51,772,240 52,199,391 59,055,915 54,241,359
California 56,272,786 41,552,857 52,403,513 62,788,361 53,103,463
Illinois 48,504,581 50,221,646 58,426,853 61,488,104 52,215,978
Michigan 40,743,183 42,772,155 44,183,624 52,457,215 47,247,777
Alabama 19,592,564 19,127,758 27,733,513 34,230,429 36,727,759
Nevada 33,273,645 36,106,684 37,721,372 33,044,136 31,283,618
Kansas 20,667,847 10,479,093 15,429,597 19,847,136 27,961,834
Tennessee 21,069,129 17,849,492 22,706,305 26,946,570 26,807,304
New Jersey 62,989,616 58,523,720 49,114,506 29,311,712 24,994,058
Georgia 11,570,676 14,047,113 18,938,829 24,219,989 24,310,153
Massachusetts 19,363,887 20,090,294 21,797,825 21,232,672 24,041,842
Utah 10,523,922 10,210,773 19,985,167 51,976,177 24,000,685
Florida 10,994,365 11,703,403 17,297,639 23,277,272 22,843,113
Wisconsin 20,529,625 16,985,312 21,133,343 21,933,992 20,864,887
Oregon 25,758,062 22,672,250 26,083,530 42,121,608 19,235,456
South Carolina 17,984,634 12,294,053 11,053,890 15,232,512 18,594,351
Kentucky 16,324,469 14,506,629 14,869,722 15,251,566 17,069,185
New York 15,183,874 16,864,584 20,767,390 22,485,291 16,053,873
Arkansas 14,296,310 8,027,432 13,274,052 16,139,232 15,405,439
Connecticut 12,135,002 10,385,541 10,597,367 12,724,781 12,331,789
New Hampshire 3,759,526 2,534,876 4,631,811 8,322,706 11,279,145
Missouri 9,796,706 9,333,182 12,242,560 18,240,721 8,043,430
Oklahoma 7,648,057 5,142,023 7,557,283 13,142,474 7,868,081
Arizona 7,479,155 5,498,465 6,181,356 5,093,378 7,746,369
Idaho 1,482,150 6,111,670 8,495,118 9,174,333 6,543,268
Nebraska 2,183,590 2,978,668 3,542,726 5,377,851 6,418,605
North Dakota 8,753,776 7,941,372 15,039,909 16,589,864 6,142,760
Colorado 3,675,253 5,164,502 4,534,427 4,865,732 6,065,213
Maryland 3,542,720 2,614,858 4,168,203 6,481,667 5,732,175
Iowa 2,939,135 2,744,313 4,901,047 5,897,093 5,423,687
Louisiana 2,643,143 824,943 1,389,475 3,709,979 5,356,767
Montana 4,163,131 3,925,790 2,292,781 1,749,046 3,589,961
Rhode Island 827,535 637,773 827,004 2,784,501 3,524,189
South Dakota 5,256,298 8,016,166 3,051,795 5,924,659 2,872,929
West Virginia 2,955,157 821,119 325,503 1,337,034 1,715,635
Vermont 3,348,314 1,622,826 1,286,875 872,396 1,369,174
Mississippi 335,218 567,544 696,229 665,858 1,226,735
Delaware 685,648 581,158 869,711 460,318 1,118,144
Wyoming 466,983 980,411 768,513 1,549,040 989,807
Other unspecified U.S. State 122,676 121,954 119,513 145,449 447,532
Maine 573,643 552,793 610,562 482,286 396,349
New Mexico 95,799 125,266 126,545 73,247 306,921
Puerto Rico 71,656 36,543 27,055 29,232 33,467
Alaska 60,001 14,701 2,416 534 15,255
U.S. Virgin Islands 41 1,251 -- -- 12,495
Hawaii 824 895 432 -- 10,000
District of Columbia 324 822 -- -- --
Sub-total 1,095,344,874 1,014,736,105 1,173,220,715 1,405,088,572 1,298,984,917
Others 342,346,782 351,200,375 399,127,030 490,410,132 472,947,082
Total All Countries 1,437,691,656 1,365,936,480 1,572,347,745 1,895,498,704 1,771,931,999

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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