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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 331 - primary metal manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ohio 1,013,339,746 908,271,223 1,316,666,973 1,606,315,784 1,627,145,109
New York 1,224,585,135 953,896,326 1,315,702,962 1,570,304,784 1,397,095,180
Pennsylvania 884,755,247 717,083,046 933,753,630 1,188,050,934 1,230,557,736
Indiana 747,916,097 623,839,971 964,060,991 1,052,087,445 1,073,736,235
Michigan 918,443,991 643,749,866 793,798,143 1,013,267,863 964,150,359
Illinois 581,700,444 542,368,480 871,036,468 1,042,702,535 879,105,504
New Jersey 424,249,640 577,073,092 963,521,007 1,197,252,617 734,897,346
North Carolina 206,927,235 188,044,444 277,374,868 381,614,236 656,938,136
Alabama 333,236,312 266,971,451 380,821,913 514,435,696 652,749,266
Kentucky 460,183,479 431,038,081 504,547,887 591,496,682 593,622,645
Texas 328,374,651 312,003,855 423,926,950 572,402,795 510,869,411
Georgia 139,760,412 145,312,509 187,325,493 236,592,973 362,203,078
Washington 316,026,220 264,017,042 294,270,625 302,826,287 319,699,850
Tennessee 178,409,110 160,969,803 219,580,893 207,642,606 297,698,390
Nevada 63,809,175 114,768,699 190,216,638 249,927,766 295,381,328
Arkansas 100,916,160 100,580,590 223,463,635 214,061,550 278,797,004
Iowa 187,137,643 227,721,472 345,284,192 342,770,053 273,088,408
Oregon 215,690,980 152,612,494 187,445,116 235,185,893 223,984,862
California 163,856,941 142,393,594 163,840,526 223,843,441 186,071,681
South Carolina 122,957,086 104,320,957 120,405,888 153,344,049 170,073,458
Wisconsin 118,138,484 101,582,754 150,172,085 185,628,012 169,018,942
Minnesota 146,218,463 112,400,432 103,544,205 203,630,836 164,570,925
West Virginia 98,616,209 87,090,271 91,057,357 114,860,694 143,248,311
Utah 117,250,875 123,707,408 170,385,012 218,767,828 128,837,797
Virginia 133,109,622 132,248,262 136,692,229 158,185,730 127,566,425
Oklahoma 80,238,539 75,756,838 127,983,776 128,234,464 98,421,255
Colorado 59,375,190 58,303,706 91,854,740 95,968,368 96,199,304
Rhode Island 26,574,091 30,910,989 36,031,516 64,109,690 91,338,205
Connecticut 123,054,515 82,356,484 98,237,217 93,581,374 81,925,139
Florida 35,708,146 31,886,560 36,554,347 80,565,277 78,908,974
Massachusetts 51,848,989 52,872,389 299,212,816 78,426,026 73,854,075
Nebraska 39,868,917 34,740,360 65,181,603 68,402,733 59,290,685
Missouri 58,754,581 52,976,495 83,294,792 99,395,595 47,954,859
New Hampshire 29,238,460 33,313,714 42,857,651 44,769,564 45,641,017
Mississippi 23,883,600 22,214,833 30,046,540 44,093,993 44,860,929
Kansas 60,052,646 29,369,024 21,595,579 33,175,907 41,753,871
Louisiana 21,487,816 22,822,238 14,851,247 24,681,804 28,320,865
Maryland 18,478,105 17,103,885 15,230,099 43,853,095 26,627,188
Arizona 26,919,460 23,517,535 73,890,958 37,331,662 24,590,616
Delaware 9,576,135 66,475,613 30,956,041 11,706,057 22,808,864
South Dakota 6,639,524 5,256,955 8,474,077 11,990,738 9,455,695
Idaho 38,161,958 186,462,209 169,992,969 156,835,525 7,421,214
Maine 4,075,922 3,768,408 3,428,334 4,028,325 4,176,248
New Mexico 1,731,797 1,739,625 2,456,570 2,511,680 2,715,743
North Dakota 3,817,100 3,517,830 12,335,148 3,990,341 1,869,228
Other unspecified U.S. State 1,546,396 1,572,741 1,889,324 1,583,456 1,818,920
Vermont 2,408,358 1,292,748 1,804,554 1,551,205 1,760,764
Montana 1,291,785 845,543 1,801,651 4,621,833 1,744,961
Wyoming 777,568 971,636 2,096,854 1,926,031 912,908
Alaska 296,357 2,348,741 180,386 2,739,620 281,528
Puerto Rico 620,559 65,015 42,860 103,360 102,065
Hawaii 52 9,976 40,236 10,169 66,281
District of Columbia 11,604 5,490 594 53,327 36,308
U.S. Virgin Islands 1,397 -- -- 7,202 --
Sub-total 9,952,048,924 8,976,543,702 12,601,218,165 14,917,447,510 14,355,965,095
Others 13,703,024,814 12,930,418,392 19,959,986,551 24,473,157,985 19,676,868,403
Total All Countries 23,655,073,738 21,906,962,094 32,561,204,716 39,390,605,495 34,032,833,498

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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