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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian imports
Naics 32614 - polystyrene foam product manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Delaware 265 12,404 -- 1,565,420 20,575,056
Pennsylvania 24,727,584 26,874,593 27,615,978 31,517,628 16,362,090
New York 14,565,285 15,158,539 13,995,772 17,707,072 11,270,535
Michigan 6,157,840 5,126,175 4,320,113 7,458,399 8,161,008
Oregon 5,619,652 5,791,365 4,257,231 7,695,543 5,933,638
Arkansas 3,536,577 2,560,489 3,484,805 5,648,081 5,603,045
Missouri 5,387,418 6,337,482 4,192,817 5,732,715 5,167,016
Illinois 7,405,723 3,930,893 3,087,297 4,912,990 4,488,710
Connecticut 2,962,329 2,329,411 2,964,803 4,969,890 4,436,928
Ohio 3,337,477 4,074,985 1,964,260 1,561,700 3,360,416
New Jersey 4,426,595 2,569,528 3,137,800 4,015,709 3,221,203
Nevada 774,878 1,422,485 1,219,354 635,830 2,912,181
North Carolina 3,597,257 1,730,391 1,917,946 2,004,187 2,900,537
Virginia 2,946,178 2,387,112 4,781,897 3,978,068 2,714,181
Kentucky 2,282,516 975,615 2,160,260 3,509,041 2,656,449
Texas 2,458,875 2,454,937 2,742,890 3,824,221 2,448,530
Wisconsin 1,321,252 1,274,378 2,451,979 2,808,494 2,054,722
Indiana 1,577,756 1,052,802 1,831,693 1,162,925 1,418,775
Idaho 12,582,207 18,194,511 6,798,353 700,438 1,263,193
Georgia 2,154,329 2,148,711 1,908,314 2,144,849 1,103,767
Iowa 2,860,590 1,473,870 1,410,966 910,372 1,088,184
Washington 6,721,225 1,907,378 982,496 938,635 1,087,010
California 1,276,695 825,044 1,146,630 717,391 655,257
Tennessee 2,222,355 2,531,835 1,400,968 1,115,274 596,175
Florida 364,353 266,287 20,583 307,316 333,141
South Dakota 63,898 16,896 28,977 204,568 263,432
Utah 109,455 65,414 148,143 297,985 220,956
Rhode Island 489,851 27,066 249,239 244,534 204,265
Kansas 41,811 12,202 23,960 30,634 179,329
Minnesota 567,264 317,272 144,052 162,562 172,095
Arizona 296,327 202,270 107,389 174,801 136,364
Alabama 9,384 13,708 124 829 119,030
Oklahoma 61,681 25,230 8,645 129,180 107,848
Colorado 14,748 58,763 52,708 4,717 106,976
Massachusetts 3,249,523 1,872,996 504,119 108,167 88,722
Maryland 427,815 359,514 488,969 240,610 87,162
Mississippi 74,137 51,147 32,137 73,039 73,449
West Virginia 184,955 68,022 31,392 62,553 58,514
Maine 250,576 48,410 155,063 54,628 39,375
Montana -- 339 -- -- 23,970
Alaska -- 32,236 1,334 26,378 10,163
South Carolina 704,993 426,402 294,476 196,434 9,430
Nebraska 13,115 40,900 -- 8,164 4,930
Vermont -- 1,054 70,461 7,699 4,091
Louisiana -- 7,629 2,333 233 184
New Mexico -- -- 45,884 14,293 --
New Hampshire -- 394 15,484 13,919 --
North Dakota 113,684 31,612 15,850 6,288 --
Other unspecified U.S. State 1,392 1,595 2,741 1,773 --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Wyoming -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 127,941,820 117,092,291 102,218,685 119,606,176 113,722,032
Others 23,981,435 18,209,529 19,812,468 30,366,028 25,845,633
Total All Countries 151,923,255 135,301,820 122,031,153 149,972,204 139,567,665

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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