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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian imports
Naics 32511 - petrochemical manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Texas 386,614,155 323,003,764 387,363,905 469,513,166 525,399,585
North Dakota 138,197,745 129,667,241 181,251,519 195,818,672 117,839,128
Ohio 141,350,691 36,625,901 115,039,944 171,973,089 88,772,450
Pennsylvania 31,149,368 67,428,868 177,401,458 143,592,616 75,922,342
Oklahoma 3,529,601 50,202,708 46,680,212 114,868,168 68,615,854
Colorado 444 35,158,495 30,836,640 59,674,660 41,841,353
Connecticut 3,892,376 22,811,056 20,328,256 29,406,840 24,138,583
Illinois 4,604,131 6,091,252 7,265,999 11,921,963 14,045,741
New Jersey 14,220,065 8,070,004 9,406,093 16,417,489 10,681,709
Louisiana 7,075,923 6,092,780 5,903,630 28,603,752 8,362,100
Washington 6,316,167 2,770,737 3,190,153 6,853,678 7,270,522
Wisconsin 2,300,388 2,770,286 2,907,689 4,097,985 3,322,484
California 104,406 202,092 1,475,830 399,180 2,856,146
Oregon 2,564,519 2,546,483 2,353,119 2,601,132 1,804,743
Montana 1,531,673 1,211,455 1,310,013 1,357,398 1,552,014
Michigan 416,644 2,221,587 948,973 543,695 1,406,732
New York 909,353 742,933 2,644,303 1,417,656 1,282,781
Idaho 503,323 204,244 334,016 321,895 1,028,726
Missouri 166,322 252,971 83,395 413,738 951,221
Georgia 169,413 241,875 83,138 437,113 937,518
Arkansas 435,625 288,843 191,271 289,269 754,932
Minnesota 280,750 822,796 760,189 693,080 691,028
Indiana 1,259,047 578,167 907,455 833,081 679,584
North Carolina 65,436 1,988 15,205 31,047 642,991
Kansas 296,454 245,398 221,401 400,559 493,227
Massachusetts 591,261 487,994 312,892 375,456 451,845
Nevada 217,811 154,746 155,033 220,071 272,394
Florida 4,597 3,215 7,410 78,517 246,671
Utah 293 12,757 5,614 3,634 173,723
Iowa 138,733 169,871 127,165 159,467 165,793
Maryland 113,795 143,725 121,516 186,328 108,790
Virginia 15,270 8,523 14,843 58,818 78,273
South Carolina 67,012 151,229 95,233 165,708 59,185
Nebraska 28,479 11,658 109,631 12,870 44,659
Kentucky 19,127 40,270 3,830 5,012 39,594
West Virginia -- 36,608 -- 236 38,684
Maine 162,126 98,182 12,897 11,516 14,688
Rhode Island 954 3,922 -- 27 10,179
Alabama 182,837 12,507 61,996 172,152 10,170
Tennessee 1,347,733 106,549 5,632 10,160 9,841
Delaware 1,201 17,185 20,592 12,715 9,458
Other unspecified U.S. State 8,258 8,578 806 1,604 4,356
New Hampshire 3,540 4,006 18,113 -- 57
Wyoming -- 763 305 -- 33
New Mexico 1 -- 240 -- 1
Arizona 280 382 531 230 --
South Dakota 107,863 -- 550 -- --
Alaska -- 134 -- -- --
Mississippi 792 66 -- -- --
Vermont -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 750,965,982 701,726,794 999,978,635 1,263,955,442 1,003,031,888
Others 95,130,244 77,054,540 102,214,368 216,584,840 102,883,604
Total All Countries 846,096,226 778,781,334 1,102,193,003 1,480,540,282 1,105,915,492

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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