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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian total exports
Naics 315 - clothing manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 450,347,921 283,301,486 348,680,760 416,091,753 315,522,206
Massachusetts 157,245,825 88,434,598 172,174,095 173,450,461 265,037,699
Pennsylvania 200,078,433 366,061,537 284,878,397 229,037,665 171,888,037
Ohio 47,054,263 41,869,501 233,068,970 183,308,439 160,704,780
Delaware 37,132,633 27,033,343 39,786,357 67,130,766 83,466,460
New Jersey 93,333,504 76,362,471 97,440,218 66,464,571 79,060,751
Washington 78,787,040 58,581,744 128,514,321 98,410,149 72,740,392
California 50,083,527 41,948,049 64,297,122 69,052,711 71,791,931
Texas 52,576,144 34,869,825 49,726,433 65,901,642 69,178,599
Tennessee 8,943,683 9,243,452 13,169,470 66,934,183 65,678,502
Vermont 44,458,266 28,406,656 33,303,728 41,039,896 50,046,098
Florida 31,780,323 25,337,819 26,491,807 33,751,247 38,120,200
Maryland 19,125,368 15,908,822 22,814,332 29,318,226 31,156,493
Indiana 9,669,318 8,638,323 9,313,900 41,719,381 22,216,182
Nevada 8,000,944 6,193,064 5,785,333 7,057,994 21,722,198
Illinois 213,060,239 29,962,250 26,992,977 21,620,967 20,770,462
Michigan 19,214,898 17,457,614 19,019,645 26,142,143 19,050,717
Utah 9,153,750 8,047,310 8,568,145 10,586,126 15,527,430
Georgia 10,924,708 9,653,237 11,566,075 13,333,631 15,525,600
Iowa 10,443,895 7,080,733 15,408,486 9,382,602 14,839,108
North Carolina 18,863,599 12,119,324 13,233,951 12,893,577 14,687,534
Wisconsin 5,042,653 3,734,971 4,740,969 5,502,026 8,197,148
Minnesota 13,337,610 13,962,571 14,490,949 8,424,582 7,956,738
North Dakota 5,735,717 5,631,025 6,061,613 7,251,301 7,356,065
Virginia 4,347,846 3,501,376 4,331,457 5,533,292 7,152,606
Colorado 5,516,232 4,607,669 3,858,611 5,400,471 7,067,190
West Virginia 4,430,098 1,558,742 3,876,475 5,979,567 7,008,874
Connecticut 5,430,430 3,308,186 5,912,323 4,261,781 6,721,099
Louisiana 2,390,375 2,199,450 3,531,971 8,361,497 6,400,130
South Carolina 4,683,158 3,058,439 5,923,264 5,430,557 6,202,036
Kentucky 12,973,631 13,529,478 10,190,294 5,287,405 5,977,432
Arizona 4,355,678 3,073,748 3,727,301 6,890,369 5,755,645
Missouri 6,662,593 9,262,466 3,867,765 5,008,531 4,750,493
Oregon 3,914,297 2,601,665 4,066,091 3,713,948 3,964,701
Mississippi 3,614,548 1,877,361 1,156,460 3,099,375 3,253,390
Maine 5,373,149 3,142,276 6,703,850 4,152,646 3,253,370
Arkansas 794,868 554,843 3,771,556 4,003,205 2,762,086
Alabama 3,298,357 2,453,117 2,059,601 2,453,040 2,455,485
Alaska 2,587,151 1,551,164 1,659,341 1,298,582 2,269,039
New Hampshire 2,925,253 2,212,818 1,878,123 1,673,431 1,934,351
Kansas 916,049 965,601 3,124,726 2,314,536 1,872,383
Nebraska 3,176,445 3,020,525 3,708,537 2,984,075 1,475,911
Montana 1,104,036 996,671 1,085,474 1,746,645 1,222,294
Wyoming 1,325,399 436,708 992,420 894,302 1,151,208
Rhode Island 4,715,196 3,322,580 1,134,660 1,204,327 1,122,976
District of Columbia 1,890,120 808,591 422,743 1,355,717 1,116,404
Oklahoma 1,087,907 790,284 1,123,018 1,055,801 1,050,729
South Dakota 336,196 337,994 514,565 544,295 887,855
Idaho 834,475 528,707 1,227,072 1,070,328 779,788
Puerto Rico 380,895 313,168 278,495 611,791 712,142
New Mexico 485,889 598,571 144,166 335,797 577,633
Hawaii 917,748 354,246 240,616 597,357 216,726
Other unspecified U.S. State 269,516 153,271 118,025 48,330 26,523
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 8,411 9,686 --
Sub-total 1,685,131,796 1,290,959,440 1,730,165,464 1,791,126,723 1,731,381,829
Others 565,493,777 450,654,952 635,816,994 623,070,690 660,161,912
Total All Countries 2,250,625,573 1,741,614,392 2,365,982,458 2,414,197,413 2,391,543,741

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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