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Report date: 2024-09-23


Canadian total exports
Top 25 products (HS6 codes)
This report excludes the HS codes under chapters 98 and 99, used to record special transactions such as low valued transactions and goods returned to the country of origin (see explanatory notes - product classification). any trade for these is reflected in others and total(all products).
---- Manitoba
Year to date - current year vs. previous year
Value in canadian dollars


Jan-Jul 2023 Jan-Jul 2024 % Change 2024/2023
120510 - Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken 435,412,563 364,798,229 -16.2%
120190 - Soya beans, other than seed for sowing, whether or not broken, nes 166,497,853 181,351,309 8.9%
100199 - Wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seed for sowing 111,299,693 140,218,755 26.0%
020329 - Swine cuts, frozen, nes 59,207,308 57,498,788 -2.9%
261790 - Ores and concentrates, nes 65,129,033 55,727,553 -14.4%
847150 - Dig process units o/t 8471.41/49, w/n cont in same hsng storage/input/output 16,687,525 25,556,404 53.1%
020649 - Swine edible offal, frozen, nes 15,026,736 19,613,794 30.5%
100390 - Barley, other than seed for sowing 25,172,880 15,434,182 -38.7%
050400 - Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals, o/t fish, whole or in pieces 5,428,493 7,826,163 44.2%
110819 - Starches, nes 349,039 5,519,803 1,481.4%
120921 - Lucerne (alfalfa) seeds, for sowing 6,815,475 4,674,733 -31.4%
120925 - Rye grass seeds, for sowing 1,937,461 2,625,576 35.5%
071310 - Peas dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split 1,790,208 1,814,667 1.4%
120400 - Linseed, whether or not broken 3,208,435 1,657,996 -48.3%
100410 - Oats, seed for sowing 1,676,041 1,377,778 -17.8%
390950 - Polyurethanes, in primary forms 1,082,719 985,674 -9.0%
120929 - Seeds of forage plants, except beet seeds, for sowing, nes 589,133 979,858 66.3%
050790 - Tortoise-shell, whalebone, horns, etc, unwork/simply prepr,unshaped,pwrd & waste -- 959,951 --
853710 - Boards, panels, including numerical control panels, for a voltage <=1,000 V 505,118 714,119 41.4%
760200 - Waste and scrap, of aluminum 255,629 647,953 153.5%
120923 - Fescue seeds, for sowing 380,580 581,880 52.9%
391290 - Cellulose derivatives, nes, in primary forms -- 566,567 --
110429 - Cereals, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled, nes -- 539,007 --
844313 - Offset printing machinery, nes -- 479,920 --
851629 - Electric space heating apparatus and electric soil heating apparatus, nes -- 477,446 --
Sub-total 918,451,922 892,628,105 -2.8%
Others 47,376,379 12,759,324 -73.1%
Total (All Products) 965,828,301 905,387,429 -6.3%

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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