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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian total exports
Top 25 products (HS6 codes)
This report excludes the HS codes under chapters 98 and 99, used to record special transactions such as low valued transactions and goods returned to the country of origin (see explanatory notes - product classification). any trade for these is reflected in others and total(all products).
All countries (total)
Specific year(s): 2019
Value in millions of canadian dollars


270900 - Petroleum oils and oils, obtained from bituminous minerals, crude 90,360
870324 - Automobiles, with reciprocating piston engine displacing > 3,000 cc 21,098
710812 - Gold, in unwrought forms, non monetary 20,712
870323 - Automobiles, with reciprocating piston engine displacing > 1,500 cc to 3,000 cc 20,622
271019 - Petroleum oils & oils,from bitu min,o/t light,o/t crude,>=70% pet oil,o/t waste 9,972
271121 - Natural gas, in gaseous state 8,989
870322 - Automobiles, with reciprocating piston engine displacing > 1,000 cc <= 1,500 cc 7,880
440719 - Lumber, of coniferous,nes,thickness > 6 mm,sawn/chipped lengthwise/sliced/peeled 7,838
270112 - Bituminous coal, whether or not pulverized but not agglomerated 7,072
310420 - Potassium chloride, in packages weighing more than 10 kg 6,547
271012 - Light oils and prep,from pet/bitu min,>= 70% oil,o/t crude/cont biodiesel/waste 6,188
880240 - Aircraft, nes, of an unladen weight exceeding 15,000 kg 5,986
100199 - Wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seed for sowing 5,598
300490 - Medicaments, nes, in dosage 5,489
870829 - Parts and accessories,of bodies,for the motor vehicles of Nos 87.01 to 87.05,nes 5,400
470321 - Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, coniferous, semi-bl or bleached, nes 4,782
120510 - Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken 4,267
260111 - Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites, non-agglomerated 4,208
760110 - Aluminium unwrought, not alloyed 3,886
870431 - Gas powered trucks with a GVW not exceeding 5 tonnes 3,854
260300 - Copper ores and concentrates 3,763
760120 - Aluminium unwrought, alloyed 3,206
870899 - Motor vehicle parts, nes 3,088
840734 - Engines, spark-ignition reciprocating displacing more than 1000 cc 2,989
190590 - Communion wafers,empty cachets f pharm use and sim products & bakers' wares,nes 2,847
Sub-total 266,638
Others 325,444
Total (All Products) 592,082

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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