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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian total exports
Naics 11211 - beef cattle ranching and farming, including feedlots
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Utah 260,731,089 222,208,294 234,015,155 520,324,689 571,027,321
Washington 518,367,858 500,479,042 387,025,757 347,068,443 426,913,335
Pennsylvania 98,109,880 83,430,918 65,879,024 80,181,358 243,723,132
Minnesota 95,544,930 114,115,868 120,435,315 172,739,649 160,591,193
Nebraska 103,806,161 73,001,332 103,152,443 146,460,149 148,836,436
New York 7,024,572 8,445,480 9,535,070 13,885,459 25,463,115
Iowa 20,226,915 13,391,795 9,382,411 9,279,697 23,630,559
Colorado 23,796,410 10,484,608 16,289,467 29,987,887 19,990,404
Wisconsin 23,637,193 25,655,971 21,571,343 18,264,555 18,935,024
South Dakota 10,619,338 7,858,005 8,793,742 22,781,464 14,511,595
Oregon 11,554,925 6,429,288 1,730,088 1,722,737 13,801,970
Ohio 8,442,824 7,581,614 5,391,682 9,793,178 12,723,869
Michigan 4,929,497 2,971,439 3,067,984 6,298,396 8,591,930
New Jersey 4,769,826 4,429,427 4,567,752 5,549,259 5,800,952
Indiana 4,688,092 2,228,574 3,026,835 6,522,223 4,748,103
South Carolina 13,041 12,115,847 12,777,036 6,129,240 4,634,290
Idaho 6,015,959 4,697,325 1,290,738 3,445,151 3,675,879
Montana 3,294,528 2,789,018 1,003,814 5,599,634 3,447,947
California 31,494 18,339 22,412 128,317 1,702,939
Kansas 10,172,304 10,177,208 6,450,288 3,939,275 1,616,017
Wyoming 3,924,575 216,676 1,944,383 1,639,742 1,560,960
North Dakota 1,259,637 1,116,695 721,085 1,002,963 1,322,600
Oklahoma 338,894 324,874 581,315 460,984 1,022,965
Texas 1,066,655 445,078 421,875 673,528 633,536
Kentucky 154,037 3,494 84,044 93,845 544,651
Vermont 40,305 47,984 74,750 375,580 427,877
Missouri 164,749 411,165 201,597 304,349 418,020
Illinois 26,568 67,121 136,630 206,570 375,351
Alaska 18,978 642,217 440,959 357,179 317,016
Maryland 13,609 24,033 16,614 55,332 301,482
Tennessee 118,470 51,832 48,558 91,101 208,548
Georgia 6,017 92,724 8,467 27,630 106,722
Nevada 230,294 11,838 54,021 43,241 72,747
Arizona 73,525 107,643 44,206 41,898 71,419
Mississippi -- -- 31,810 247,153 60,975
North Carolina -- 11,080 23,195 40,102 55,752
Arkansas -- -- 91,536 3,835 29,742
Maine 44,081 -- 224,455 450,651 29,541
West Virginia 17,812 30,930 -- 17,953 12,755
Massachusetts 292,132 30,627 -- 9,513 11,439
Virginia 6,150 3,438 -- -- 3,364
Alabama -- -- -- 28,805 --
Connecticut -- 24,431 3,772 15,765 --
New Mexico -- -- 156,129 10,223 --
New Hampshire 19,759 42,650 -- 3,214 --
Florida -- -- 55,585 -- --
Louisiana -- -- 3,839 -- --
Delaware -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,223,593,083 1,116,215,922 1,020,777,181 1,416,301,916 1,721,953,472
Others 2,023,337 408,713 453,664 980,667 296,235
Total All Countries 1,225,616,420 1,116,624,635 1,021,230,845 1,417,282,583 1,722,249,707

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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