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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian imports
Naics 11211 - beef cattle ranching and farming, including feedlots
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Montana 81,436,769 72,908,239 180,422,835 150,732,806 150,003,734
Idaho 60,610,593 59,059,641 74,753,107 95,626,437 114,673,625
Virginia 13,651,486 15,252,189 27,179,910 28,307,613 39,446,489
Washington 28,397,899 31,177,042 40,461,060 31,154,289 22,598,702
New York 7,412,098 5,524,995 6,519,739 9,007,915 11,920,557
Oregon 17,660,994 19,850,421 24,076,218 22,756,357 11,381,049
North Carolina 11,444,243 6,510,813 7,622,292 12,746,045 11,226,121
South Dakota 1,535,441 1,891,484 5,462,163 4,998,384 9,872,279
California 631,174 3,454,725 15,367,108 18,317,390 7,196,425
Iowa 1,078,723 2,598,912 4,535,234 3,775,561 6,986,611
Pennsylvania 1,953,622 2,256,637 7,467,322 3,227,470 5,760,851
North Dakota 10,828,094 8,826,895 22,431,680 1,407,812 5,745,158
Wisconsin 6,030,544 5,052,799 5,258,929 3,185,927 5,723,987
Kentucky 11,915 230,047 352,891 726,985 3,746,213
Indiana 1,257,143 342,595 1,084,201 1,393,969 2,820,518
Vermont 1,139,516 1,568,434 1,377,100 1,459,301 2,750,492
Colorado 5,850,738 9,446,248 4,806,412 163,088 2,371,852
Nevada 11,200 815,292 1,550,745 7,032,447 1,826,640
Utah 187,079 596,287 1,398,589 1,954,314 1,159,818
Ohio 1,995,407 708,088 245,653 120,894 934,108
Michigan 134,754 105,603 41,986 110,195 610,817
Illinois 284,456 143,211 121,084 309,725 471,714
Wyoming 63,918 850,401 4,834,066 656,023 428,357
Minnesota 1,333,116 1,085,528 2,148,488 301,865 417,382
Nebraska 280,644 293,016 516,223 188,359 390,254
Oklahoma 258,545 278,124 272,886 386,963 321,292
New Hampshire 427,146 95,695 12,285 -- 223,528
Maryland 192,094 61,302 41,257 41,558 220,985
Texas 57,033 128,814 201,849 183,896 209,490
Missouri 7,498,928 11,418,416 12,498,088 28,946 202,778
Kansas 1,739,611 211,912 351,557 308,987 179,888
Maine 11,701 -- 21,191 31,643 129,407
Connecticut 17,809 174,309 217,358 512,973 120,066
New Jersey 6,544 -- 3,500 -- 101,500
Arizona 92,553 49,325 19,670 49,043 55,383
Alabama 5,983 -- 8,876 -- 19,448
New Mexico -- 3,949,554 196,809 -- 11,728
Mississippi -- -- -- 4,285 10,140
Georgia -- -- -- -- 9,887
Massachusetts 3,965 -- 1,500 4,863 6,636
Arkansas -- -- -- -- 4,669
Tennessee 96,887 55,731 37,849 44,444 --
South Carolina 282,094 214,415 -- 3,904 --
Louisiana -- 10,923 15,095 -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
Florida -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Delaware -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 265,912,459 267,198,062 453,934,805 401,262,676 422,290,578
Others 83,385 7,506 88,183 -- 44,073
Total All Countries 265,995,844 267,205,568 454,022,988 401,262,676 422,334,651

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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