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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian imports
Naics 211 - oil and gas extraction
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Texas 9,726,776,136 6,480,821,727 7,519,421,955 13,284,928,653 10,123,357,125
Indiana 166,514,429 32,923,155 727,291,370 1,123,632,916 1,725,645,855
Michigan 1,499,423,174 801,828,724 1,316,049,281 2,596,155,826 1,567,161,925
Louisiana 590,240,627 370,009,388 595,807,962 432,629,825 1,125,967,015
North Dakota 3,536,949,772 1,954,802,355 916,040,556 481,382,155 849,942,133
New York 518,783,508 444,507,379 603,542,001 934,114,083 477,964,282
Nebraska 358,572,160 211,972,596 292,423,950 640,967,996 299,100,677
Maine 249,318,449 261,108,235 230,645,261 740,566,350 240,232,760
Oklahoma 30,965 22,891 380 1,096,059 139,063,662
Kansas 5,967,634 8,140,916 84,795,312 124,153,046 116,068,765
Connecticut 78,091,176 65,549,030 51,607,335 204,462,651 112,383,334
West Virginia 707,004 -- -- 58,212,479 84,156,484
New Hampshire 16,122,076 12,853,120 59,882,742 90,831,351 67,257,708
Pennsylvania 114,369,471 527,128 5,026,707 24,865,804 42,431,175
Ohio 42,880,599 18,783,377 19,860,554 48,799,119 33,501,924
Illinois 19,608,136 67,470 17,498,185 36,741,901 30,837,857
Washington 16,372,780 16,333,301 7,270,268 19,227,326 21,224,426
Wisconsin 442,165 13,155 11,140 14,387 4,508,098
California 373,317 203,318 260,685 43,520 2,868,216
Massachusetts 192,693 894,881 706,770 31,485,684 2,767,630
Utah 2,508,858 1,344,618 2,177,307 2,770,204 2,524,694
Virginia 752,296 1,079,844 815,046 1,257,325 2,352,841
Minnesota 14,791,006 5,204,726 90,087,513 951,838 983,650
Colorado 396,549 762 40,340,042 186,517 768,126
Arizona 244,181 270,102 335,647 231,219 274,197
North Carolina 78,045 1 1,355 962 210,442
Kentucky 64,833 5,022 338 85,911 140,460
South Carolina 26 5,288 379 7,462 106,457
New Jersey 8,678,008 26,969,730 30,673,762 85,644 68,721
Tennessee 106,495 165,349 153,117 167,959 58,736
Alaska 587 1,397 229 38,924 44,165
Alabama 581 13 14 27,722 28,708
Nevada 7,915 331 956 5,209 21,937
Maryland 10,513 26,941 20,626 18,572 18,875
Florida 28,144 13,730 9,525 29,326 14,392
Missouri 21,488 6,162 6,646 2,108 6,957
Idaho 4,699 52,638 53,330 3,124 5,886
Montana 53 13 49,849 29,821 5,399
Georgia -- 1,497 21,636 114,717 4,319
Arkansas 36,656 40,554 727 1,271 1,245
Delaware -- -- -- -- 356
New Mexico 6,768 7 40 11 152
Wyoming 8,233 481 955 2,040 23
Iowa 4,516 -- -- 3,569 14
South Dakota 13 14 1 81 8
Mississippi 40,724 90,856 1,532 46,887 7
Oregon 15,774 13,580 613 52 3
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- 3
Vermont 14 -- 9 4 --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- 298 -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 16,969,543,246 10,716,656,100 12,612,893,608 20,880,379,610 17,074,081,824
Others 5,335,699,198 2,783,660,962 5,430,806,957 6,532,463,854 5,694,223,928
Total All Countries 22,305,242,444 13,500,317,062 18,043,700,565 27,412,843,464 22,768,305,752

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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