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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian total exports
Naics 31311 - fibre, yarn and thread mills
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 25,278,783 23,106,900 21,752,883 19,949,148 25,647,039
North Carolina 22,635,941 19,382,618 22,042,496 23,691,939 24,282,779
Georgia 6,105,099 7,644,883 3,356,713 13,747,708 12,832,282
Vermont 2,667,279 2,889,801 5,660,992 7,926,823 6,852,255
Pennsylvania 10,532,119 11,082,231 10,627,899 8,433,032 5,808,129
Maine 3,737,875 1,578,547 3,151,576 3,323,838 5,723,834
Illinois 2,463,980 2,765,123 2,662,456 2,229,167 4,843,050
Michigan 3,795,792 5,020,129 4,975,053 4,584,418 4,190,794
Florida 2,349,837 2,381,701 2,830,323 2,840,395 3,574,882
South Carolina 1,825,576 2,271,584 2,454,395 3,273,930 3,390,609
California 1,830,589 2,107,554 1,995,036 2,086,109 3,350,011
Tennessee 1,076,652 621,669 2,142,907 4,410,079 3,243,065
Washington 1,156,552 1,577,472 1,641,317 1,672,014 2,593,784
Texas 2,953,760 3,041,548 2,777,475 2,286,674 2,436,953
Kansas 1,136,268 1,607,327 1,787,926 1,939,076 2,351,595
Alabama 1,666,232 1,828,752 1,690,737 1,955,707 2,311,268
Indiana 391,635 194,430 428,305 861,781 2,117,068
Ohio 1,497,907 2,202,311 1,099,404 1,456,788 1,708,408
Virginia 1,714,759 2,009,494 1,551,905 1,924,358 1,634,373
New Jersey 381,007 475,850 622,510 712,599 1,199,502
Arkansas 1,260,498 2,465,026 1,189,292 1,139,295 1,024,358
Missouri 974,260 763,506 683,456 647,962 718,844
Arizona 413,749 825,144 742,124 722,665 663,045
Rhode Island 862,608 817,464 861,772 705,064 639,086
Wisconsin 1,703,284 2,047,976 1,010,839 1,262,354 495,172
Maryland 664,882 405,004 549,426 449,297 410,788
Oregon 154,579 382,571 447,419 246,160 364,483
Minnesota 737,911 774,834 626,602 291,137 298,857
Iowa 182,395 301,991 384,492 428,911 288,056
Massachusetts 230,186 190,291 163,448 155,790 207,574
Delaware 56,705 34,919 33,090 20,452 198,961
Nebraska 99,722 95,219 98,054 136,488 150,978
Other unspecified U.S. State 2,732 9,901 24,416 -- 134,178
North Dakota 2,870 -- 7,678 -- 117,057
Colorado 254,454 331,017 359,942 203,473 89,272
Kentucky 116,988 92,973 78,867 137,471 62,942
Utah 146,388 124,381 188,288 169,575 54,839
Idaho 21,598 4,311 8,977 11,202 43,710
New Hampshire 59,722 145,693 74,821 79,713 40,829
Montana 33,951 25,691 8,006 8,201 36,967
Mississippi 252,575 114,295 3,879 79,268 27,781
Nevada 12,304 190,725 72,966 45,010 26,062
Puerto Rico 87,751 26,095 57,543 20,268 24,402
Louisiana -- 6,055 14,857 36,105 23,471
New Mexico 29,641 334 -- 4,829 9,951
Wyoming -- -- 22,538 27,847 7,191
West Virginia 37,004 30,467 -- 1,134 5,014
Connecticut 58,709 127,080 39,047 13,202 3,723
Oklahoma 330,946 614,375 277,762 290,098 3,135
South Dakota -- -- 2,042 -- 2,817
District of Columbia 4,168 3,203 2,729 4,054 1,707
Hawaii -- -- 1,764 -- 1,245
Alaska -- 1,694 3,339 7,161 --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 103,990,222 104,742,159 103,291,783 116,649,769 126,268,175
Others 4,540,902 5,336,292 3,861,352 3,912,944 4,886,271
Total All Countries 108,531,124 110,078,451 107,153,135 120,562,713 131,154,446

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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