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Report date: 2024-09-22


Canadian total exports
Naics 32511 - petrochemical manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Texas 616,521,439 510,233,064 563,787,278 926,417,266 837,333,678
Illinois 215,569,900 190,383,521 159,801,395 200,499,557 250,137,292
Michigan 208,555,051 167,968,236 294,065,567 318,418,093 209,781,863
California 99,878,110 100,135,922 205,088,772 280,827,930 202,845,509
Ohio 88,607,178 98,766,529 190,164,538 145,872,161 108,660,599
Utah 75,794,945 52,326,191 116,485,969 100,234,920 101,573,841
Kentucky 112,358,894 80,144,879 74,895,937 76,359,589 66,895,255
Pennsylvania 130,301,197 90,111,695 101,434,140 81,152,741 61,284,229
Washington 28,437,150 25,298,013 38,067,808 50,647,044 49,926,170
Indiana 12,894,961 13,907,152 35,301,597 55,184,038 49,907,289
West Virginia 91,956,741 78,440,882 102,890,185 47,398,927 47,090,179
Colorado 3,926,931 2,991,102 10,231,802 7,217,590 33,598,640
Wyoming 36,548,330 58,271,440 64,776,791 7,990,314 29,542,351
Louisiana 49,921,820 19,754,860 42,947,398 7,209,747 21,945,033
North Dakota 2,409,382 1,081,226 3,458,156 10,559,294 18,986,096
Minnesota 15,588,728 11,276,242 20,381,586 18,804,084 17,849,584
Arizona 791,326 -- 2,609,583 8,953,374 14,608,117
Massachusetts 2,292,276 962,026 1,177,294 14,740,110 13,098,962
Montana 29,960,291 18,314,525 40,401,401 25,388,484 12,994,908
Alabama 17,072,196 3,680,730 27,588,233 10,452,301 9,705,502
Nevada 6,907,028 3,705,098 3,844,595 5,393,733 8,344,198
New Jersey 39,901,289 24,740,313 21,449,056 9,248,706 6,209,435
Wisconsin 36,614,454 8,177,154 10,608,767 8,009,494 4,914,862
Missouri 4,802,238 1,832,676 4,370,885 3,142,083 3,690,177
Tennessee 23,398,662 8,820,196 17,363,971 11,024,184 3,193,280
Connecticut 8,463,837 4,583,387 3,496,108 13,070,627 3,092,675
South Carolina 9,244,615 2,733,019 3,743,675 5,636,929 3,036,090
Georgia 7,358,278 5,095,610 2,228,297 1,398,985 3,032,848
Kansas 814,572 2,259,153 5,825,967 2,898,865 2,797,878
Oregon 1,286,650 849,643 2,356,349 5,844,069 2,268,537
Mississippi 5,883,288 2,402,619 3,352,601 8,459,008 2,186,573
North Carolina 11,587,115 2,433,949 200,757 174,016 2,129,294
Maryland 2,629,214 1,954,387 1,856,481 2,027,351 1,371,988
New York 8,156,297 15,575,451 1,776,541 1,860,201 808,744
Oklahoma 3,416,264 3,739,139 10,404,415 5,555,781 795,302
Nebraska -- -- -- -- 727,035
Idaho -- -- 106,798 -- 211,981
Delaware -- 807,877 7,947,369 9,280,946 177,929
Florida 2,757,678 640,686 158,221 132,595 129,114
Hawaii 5,709 -- -- -- 118,218
Maine 41,660 76,274 -- 69,193 110,428
Vermont 164,640 -- -- -- 88,564
Virginia 9,290,558 870,057 393,935 1,439,864 54,459
Rhode Island 2,849 6,362 13,457 51,825 15,916
South Dakota -- -- -- 135,848 --
New Hampshire 403,385 -- -- 11,484 --
Iowa 491,233 -- -- 1,605 --
Arkansas 6,398,369 -- 231,045 -- --
New Mexico -- -- 40,594 -- --
Puerto Rico 4,096 -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 2,029,410,824 1,615,351,285 2,197,325,314 2,489,194,956 2,207,270,622
Others 41,777,991 14,958,519 71,827,327 19,459,706 3,821,980
Total All Countries 2,071,188,815 1,630,309,804 2,269,152,641 2,508,654,662 2,211,092,602

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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