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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian imports
Naics 3315 - foundries
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Pennsylvania 33,860,697 32,253,313 37,457,000 49,175,647 62,453,443
Ohio 29,559,704 20,306,072 26,567,632 30,919,571 32,692,746
Minnesota 19,919,655 16,124,906 16,144,572 27,453,371 32,056,392
Alabama 2,968,526 2,820,959 2,409,631 4,234,627 28,681,293
Michigan 28,801,219 27,055,540 30,746,397 30,128,055 28,006,920
Washington 14,210,132 9,353,877 19,294,791 19,860,730 20,084,389
California 12,715,534 11,196,027 12,342,225 10,212,446 19,432,138
Wisconsin 18,070,091 12,934,627 13,144,612 14,058,931 14,478,042
Tennessee 12,802,765 13,239,938 21,153,744 16,258,604 12,430,550
Texas 11,412,759 9,405,154 17,331,996 27,025,396 11,831,002
Oklahoma 3,179,371 2,565,334 6,780,960 9,180,379 8,824,489
Utah 7,423,215 4,954,913 7,391,307 9,455,056 8,109,516
North Carolina 3,317,332 3,457,862 2,308,882 7,389,057 7,766,782
Missouri 9,675,740 6,865,556 2,758,506 4,002,225 6,251,193
Illinois 5,016,571 5,841,427 9,627,970 9,336,039 5,789,437
Arizona 1,923,973 2,748,986 3,301,225 3,709,592 5,716,264
New Jersey 7,279,680 5,183,615 3,840,745 3,721,634 4,389,401
Virginia 1,757,406 1,447,236 1,577,314 2,095,447 4,281,428
Indiana 3,228,359 2,454,678 3,805,769 2,777,129 3,689,249
New York 1,615,778 2,121,886 2,340,423 2,323,185 3,081,168
Iowa 1,382,043 1,191,845 1,735,161 2,344,750 2,626,594
Oregon 1,758,941 1,947,343 2,126,730 2,582,993 2,527,519
Georgia 873,373 1,190,588 1,630,102 1,201,501 2,412,247
Connecticut 660,744 854,560 450,443 373,267 1,532,322
Nebraska 1,642,598 1,082,204 1,118,884 1,044,404 1,363,369
Florida 1,038,939 832,768 700,401 1,044,245 1,122,201
Kentucky 1,777,897 1,925,427 1,385,219 685,104 1,087,023
Maryland 1,293,445 661,092 929,937 699,851 852,851
Massachusetts 980,707 1,291,447 1,288,392 486,032 823,934
South Carolina 476,631 676,442 640,943 729,327 704,211
New Hampshire 451,725 699,725 874,237 1,188,603 660,848
Arkansas 1,085,110 1,354,710 535,699 304,858 574,351
Mississippi 599,052 226,726 345,292 318,611 532,973
Colorado 508,794 370,152 202,419 473,270 450,219
Louisiana 65,785 376,918 539,653 473,057 261,343
Kansas 199,019 727,867 98,672 76,747 184,364
Other unspecified U.S. State 718,624 873,819 1,035,211 635,432 153,936
West Virginia 111,141 95,146 180,374 73,882 147,933
Maine 30,982 73,211 70,280 39,206 113,201
Vermont 845,779 196,711 20,480 126,147 110,826
Rhode Island 55,597 77,930 91,169 65,652 84,345
Nevada 82,579 41,365 99,492 87,725 70,332
Idaho 76,464 36,840 82,904 73,948 55,569
South Dakota 717,975 105,999 158,760 73,471 43,271
Delaware 45,027 82,853 31,155 8,808 42,280
New Mexico 76,951 1,267 14,392 31,277 31,830
Montana 106,901 25,434 99,310 47,323 14,103
North Dakota 32,848 101,618 15,907 111,548 7,717
Wyoming 16,819 952 45,352 721 2,981
Puerto Rico 2,258 9,060 12,920 13,719 1
Alaska 7,688 2,228 7,985 -- --
Hawaii -- 7,932 -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands 1,397 -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 246,462,340 209,474,085 256,893,576 298,732,600 338,640,536
Others 308,515,247 284,915,330 348,503,714 483,022,476 332,822,479
Total All Countries 554,977,587 494,389,415 605,397,290 781,755,076 671,463,015

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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