Report - Trade Data Online

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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian trade balances
Total for all products
European Union (total) Hungary
European Union (total) Ireland
European Union (total) Italy (incl. Vatican City State)
European Union (total) Latvia
European Union (total) Lithuania
European Union (total) Luxembourg
European Union (total) Malta
European Union (total) Netherlands
European Union (total) Austria
European Union (total) Poland
European Union (total) Portugal
European Union (total) Romania
European Union (total) Slovakia
European Union (total) Slovenia
European Union (total) Spain
European Union (total) Sweden
European Union (total) Belgium
European Union (total) Bulgaria
European Union (total) Croatia
European Union (total) Cyprus
European Union (total) Czech Republic
European Union (total) Denmark
European Union (total) Estonia
European Union (total) Finland
European Union (total) France (incl. Monaco, French Antilles)
European Union (total) Germany
European Union (total) Greece
Year to date - current year vs. previous year
Value in millions of canadian dollars


Jan-Jul 2023 Jan-Jul 2024 % Change 2024/2023
European Union (total) Total Exports 19,882 18,511 -0
Total Imports 51,527 50,981 -0
Trade Balance -31,645 -32,470 -0
Others Total Exports 422,002 429,953 0
Total Imports 384,571 388,506 0
Trade Balance 37,431 41,447 0
Total All Countries Total Exports 441,884 448,464 0
Total Imports 436,098 439,487 0
Trade Balance 5,786 8,976 0

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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