Report - Trade Data Online

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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian total exports
Top 25 products (HS6 codes)
This report excludes the HS codes under chapters 98 and 99, used to record special transactions such as low valued transactions and goods returned to the country of origin (see explanatory notes - product classification). any trade for these is reflected in others and total(all products).
Latest 5 years
Value in thousands of canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
121190 - Plants &pts of plants,incl seed & fruit, used in pharm, perf, insect,etc,nes 45 24,904 48,076 51,974 40,124
120190 - Soya beans, other than seed for sowing, whether or not broken, nes 2,744 3,330 59,643 31,334 30,232
230910 - Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale 12,461 13,444 14,879 18,096 15,133
842121 - Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for water 756 1,457 926 6,077 12,844
853400 - Printed circuits 6,972 9,546 12,262 12,492 12,031
480100 - Newsprint, in rolls or sheets 21,148 8,993 9,468 16,068 9,858
854239 - Electronic integrated circuits, incl hybrid and monolithic, nes 1,174 1,287 2,383 225 8,825
847330 - Parts and accessories of automatic data processing machines & units thereof 4,785 5,520 7,132 6,775 8,362
071340 - Lentils, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split 5,464 8,398 6,406 10,244 8,202
300490 - Medicaments, nes, in dosage 8,244 11,536 7,662 10,453 8,112
841191 - Parts of turbo-jets or turbo-propellers 1,101 2,013 3,777 5,683 7,977
300410 - Penicillins or streptomycins and their derivatives, in dosage 3,770 4,255 3,566 6,158 7,867
071320 - Chickpeas, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split 1,363 2,373 5,781 9,109 7,866
903149 - Optical instruments and appliances, nes 7,547 4,663 4,880 7,077 7,090
870324 - Automobiles, with reciprocating piston engine displacing > 3,000 cc 15,166 30,088 57,669 42,357 7,079
852589 - Tv cameras,dig cameras & video camera recorders,o/t hi-sp,rad-hrd/tolerant/night -- -- -- 8,392 6,670
852691 - Radio navigational aid apparatus 1,958 1,109 1,146 2,329 6,427
852560 - Transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus 543 541 671 2,058 6,102
851762 - Machines,f reception/conversion/transmission/regeneration of voice/images/o data 3,076 2,133 3,478 5,336 5,808
854149 - Phtosens semicon dev,incl photovoltaic cells,LED,w/n assem in modules/panels,nes -- -- -- 3,749 5,458
880730 - Parts, nes, of aeroplanes, helicopters or unmanned aircraft -- -- -- 5,892 4,979
170220 - Maple sugar and maple syrup 1,498 2,575 4,183 2,860 4,774
330499 - Beauty or make-up preparations, nes; sunscreen or sun tan preparations 2,166 3,104 4,449 7,137 4,286
901380 - Optical devices, appliances and instruments, nes, of this Chapter 231 181 261 20,851 4,031
870390 - Automobiles, nes, including gas turbine powered 23 568 5,120 2,045 3,967
Sub-total 102,233 142,017 263,819 294,772 244,104
Others 256,698 218,774 217,300 263,901 182,547
Total (All Products) 358,932 360,791 481,119 558,673 426,651

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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