Report - Trade Data Online

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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Top 25 chapters (HS2 codes)
This report excludes the HS codes under chapters 98 and 99, used to record special transactions such as low valued transactions and goods returned to the country of origin (see explanatory notes - product classification). any trade for these is reflected in others and total(all products).
All countries (total)
Year to date - current year vs. previous year
Value in millions of canadian dollars


Jan-Jul 2023 Jan-Jul 2024 % Change 2024/2023
27 - Mineral fuels, oils and products of distillation; bituminous subs;mineral waxes 109,668 116,332 6.1%
87 - Vehicles, o/t railway or tramway rolling-stock,and parts and accessories thereof 48,128 46,462 -3.5%
84 - Nuclear reactors, boilers, mchy & mech appliances; parts 33,463 32,497 -2.9%
71 - Natural/cultured pearls, prec stones & metals, coin etc 22,159 24,277 9.6%
85 - Electrical mchy equip parts thereof; sound recorder etc 12,354 13,149 6.4%
39 - Plastics and articles thereof 12,399 12,969 4.6%
44 - Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal 10,455 11,174 6.9%
76 - Aluminium and articles thereof 10,169 10,297 1.2%
30 - Pharmaceutical products 7,836 9,660 23.3%
88 - Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof 7,682 8,982 16.9%
26 - Ores, slag and ash 7,984 8,662 8.5%
72 - Iron and steel 7,955 7,573 -4.8%
10 - Cereals 9,591 7,509 -21.7%
90 - Optical, photo, cine, meas, checking, precision, etc 6,308 6,459 2.4%
48 - Paper & paperboard; art of paper pulp, paper/paperboard 6,321 6,249 -1.1%
28 - Inorgn chem; compds of prec met, radioact elements etc 4,682 5,939 26.9%
02 - Meat and edible meat offal 5,304 5,803 9.4%
31 - Fertilizers 8,227 5,619 -31.7%
19 - Prep of cereal, flour, starch/milk; pastrycooks' prod 4,905 5,372 9.5%
73 - Articles of iron or steel 5,741 5,264 -8.3%
12 - Oil seed, oleagi fruits; miscell grain, seed, fruit etc 6,234 5,220 -16.3%
94 - Furniture; bedding, mattress, matt support, cushion, etc 5,064 4,873 -3.8%
03 - Fish and crustacean, mollusc and other aquatic invertebrate 4,382 4,786 9.2%
47 - Pulp of wood/of other fibrous cellulosic mat; waste etc 4,559 4,682 2.7%
07 - Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 4,817 4,682 -2.8%
Sub-total 366,387 374,493 2.2%
Others 75,497 73,971 -2.0%
Total (All Products) 441,884 448,464 1.5%

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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