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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Top 25 product groups (HS4 codes)
This report excludes the HS codes under chapters 98 and 99, used to record special transactions such as low valued transactions and goods returned to the country of origin (see explanatory notes - product classification). any trade for these is reflected in others and total(all products).
Year to date - current year vs. previous year
Value in canadian dollars


Jan-Jul 2023 Jan-Jul 2024 % Change 2024/2023
1801 - Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted 43,382,209 83,956,557 93.5%
1201 - Soya beans, whether or not broken 1,697,024 16,069,384 846.9%
1803 - Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted 6,536,122 4,684,475 -28.3%
0714 - Manioc, arrowroot salep etc,fr or dried w/n sliced or pelleted & sago pitch 3,338,343 4,195,470 25.7%
1515 - Fixed veg/microbial fats & oils,incl jojoba oil & fractions,w/n ref'd,n chem mod 3,059,878 3,850,930 25.9%
4001 - Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, etc, & sim nat gums, in primary forms, etc 5,790,504 2,171,257 -62.5%
0801 - Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, w/n shelled or peeled 1,225,303 1,899,613 55.0%
4408 - Veneer sheet & sheet for plywood & o wood sawn lengthwise,slice/peel not excd 6mm 1,539,074 1,095,115 -28.9%
4407 - Wood sawn/chipped lengthwise,sliced/peeled, w/n planed,sanded,etc,thkns > 6mm 650,667 1,089,637 67.5%
2304 - Soya-bean oil-cake and other solid residues, w/n ground or in form of pellets -- 499,769 --
1106 - Flour,meal of veg of hd 07.13,of sago or of roots of hd 07.14;flour,meal,pdr Ch 8 358,650 498,857 39.1%
9706 - Antiques, of an age exceeding 100 years -- 430,191 --
1511 - Palm oil and its fractions, w/n refined but not chemically modified 176,821 349,690 97.8%
1513 - Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fract,w/n ref'd but not chem mod 39,453 310,997 688.3%
2103 - Sauces & prep,nes;condiments & seasoning mxd; mustard flour & meal,prepr mustard 229,593 281,556 22.6%
7108 - Gold,incl gold plated with platinum, unwrought or semi-manufactured/powder forms -- 239,909 --
0305 - Fish, cured; smoked fish, w/n cooked; fish meal fit for human consumption 233,610 227,585 -2.6%
1102 - Cereal flours, other than of wheat or meslin 196,645 164,513 -16.3%
2106 - Food preparations, nes 160,376 161,124 0.5%
1805 - Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter 19,097 152,622 699.2%
4602 - Basketwork,wickerwork,other articles,from plaiting mat of No 46.01;art of loofah 225,380 146,992 -34.8%
0306 - Crustaceans,w/n in shell,live,fr,etc;crust in shell,ckd in water,w/n chilled,etc 145,553 100,881 -30.7%
2008 - Fruits, nuts & o edible pts of plants o/w prepr or presv w/n sweetened, nes 685,951 91,960 -86.6%
8507 - Electric accumulators, incl separators therefor, w/n rectangular (incl square) 86,049 90,285 4.9%
3401 - Soap & orgn surf prep,shaped,etc; papers & nonwovens impreg w soap/detergent 60,511 79,241 30.9%
Sub-total 69,836,813 122,838,610 75.9%
Others 1,377,139 1,062,403 -22.9%
Total (All Products) 71,213,952 123,901,013 74.0%

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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