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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Hs 010310 - swine, live pure-bred breeding
HS 010391 - Swine, live, o/t pure-bred breeding weighing less than 50 kg
HS 010392 - Swine, live, o/t pure-bred breeding, weighing 50 kg or more
HS 020311 - Swine carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled
HS 020312 - Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine bone in, fresh or chilled
HS 020319 - Swine cuts, fresh or chilled, nes
HS 020321 - Swine carcasses and half carcasses, frozen
HS 020322 - Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine, bone in, frozen
HS 020329 - Swine cuts, frozen, nes
HS 020630 - Swine edible offal, fresh or chilled
HS 020641 - Swine livers, edible offal, frozen
HS 020649 - Swine edible offal, frozen, nes
HS 020910 - Pig fat,lean meat free,n rendered or o/w extrc,fr/chd/frz/sa/in brine/dr/smoked
HS 021011 - Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine bone in, cured
HS 021012 - Bellies, streaky and cuts thereof, swine cured
HS 021019 - Meat of swine, nes, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
HS 160241 - Hams and cuts thereof, of swine, prepared or preserved
HS 160242 - Shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine, prepared/preserved
HS 160249 - Swine meat and meat offal, nes,o/t livers, incl mixtures, prepared or preserved
Specific year(s): 1997
Value in thousands of canadian dollars


China 2,473
Others 1,741,877
Total All Countries 1,744,350

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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