Help: Apply for Examiner Accreditation Renewal

This service is available only for holders of a Restricted Operator Certificate-Aeronautical (ROC-A).

Step 1

You must provide your examiner accreditation number, ROC-A certificate serial number, as well as your date of birth. This is to ensure that you are the holder of a valid ROC-A certification and that you are an accredited examiner. Your examiner number can be found on your letter of accreditation and your certificate serial number can be found on your ROC-A certificate.

Your examiner accreditation must be active or recently expired. If it has been expired for more than 3 months then you will have to apply for a new accreditation instead.

Step 2

Confirm that the information displayed is correct and click the "Submit" button to submit your request to us. If any of the information is incorrect then you should Contact the Radio Operator Certificate Service Centre (ROCSC) to make the necessary corrections.

The value for Preferred Language is the language that we will use for all correspondence.

The value for Languages of Instruction will be displayed in the Examiner Search on this website so that the public will know if you instruct in their language of choice.
Note that your name and contact information will only appear in the Examiner Search if Public Disclosure has a value of "Public".

Step 3

A confirmation page is displayed including a confirmation number which you can print and keep for your records. Use this confirmation number to refer to this request in case you need assistance.

Your request will be reviewed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and a letter of accreditation will be mailed to you upon approval. You may be contacted for further information before your request is approved.

Service: Apply for examiner accreditation renewal (ROC-A only)