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2024-08-01:  As part of the Next Generation Patents (NGP) transition, the Canadian Patents Database (CPD) is once again available.

Please note that we are aware of and are working to resolve issues. Details about the known issues currently impacting the CPD are available on our Next Generation Patents – Updates and solutions ( page.      

Thank you for your continued understanding.

Type the words or phrases you want to search in one or all text entry areas. Select the patent fields to be searched with the selector to the right of each entry area. When using more than one area, choose the logical operator (AND or OR). You can get the text field definitions.

For the latest updated information of the database, see Currency of information.

Search Criteria
Other Information
With Licence Available only
Dedicated to the Public only
Date Search

To restrict your search to a specific date range, you must select a date field below. For the date search coverage, see completeness of date fields  .